Available for Interviews: Lauren Oschman
Lauren Oschman, CFP® is a certified financial planner specializing in financial strategies, tax planning, and is an expert in helping physicians manage their finances.
What Lauren Oschman can say in an interview on
Charitable Giving and the Tax Advantages We Can Realize:
Charitably inclined investors would be wise to take inventory of their giving goals, tax position, and investment gains sooner rather than later because some opportunities exist right now they may want to take advantage of. Here are 3 options to maximize the impact of charitable giving:
- Giving large appreciated stock positions. The past year saw huge gains in the stock market and investors are potentially sitting on large gains both in the market as a whole but also in particular concentrated positions they may have purchased such as Tesla, Peloton, and others. If they sell those positions and try to scale back, they will have to pay capital gains taxes on those profits. If you give the stock to a charity, because the charity is a non-profit they don’t pay those capital gains taxes, and you can take a deduction for the amount of your gift.
- Gift future year gifts today to maximize deductibility. One of Biden’s tax proposals is to cap all deductions at 28% and potentially limit the expenses eligible to deduct as well. So if you are a high-income earner taxed at 37%, in 2021 you get to deduct charitable contributions and save 37%. Under the new Biden taxes, you may be taxed at 39.6% but only get to deduct 28%. That means you get a better value for your giving in 2021 than you may in the future. You can consider giving a multi-year gift to a charity now or to a Donor Advised Fund to maximize your deduction and then give the money as opportunities arise in subsequent years.
- Combine the two! For those who 1 & 2 above apply, you can gift appreciated stock to a Donor Advised Fund, avoid the capital gains tax, take the maximum tax deduction today, and then give at your leisure in subsequent years!
Giving to great charitable organizations has never been so easy. Fulfilling the desire to help others and make a difference can also be a financial strategy to offset the burden of high taxes.
Interview: Lauren Oschman
Lauren Oschman, CFP® is a financial advisor for some of the nation’s highest caliber physicians. She holds an economics degree from Vanderbilt University and completed her financial training at Emerson University. Along with these prestigious degrees, Oschman has over a decade of expertise in financial matters for high net worth individuals.
Oschman delivers financial education programs to medical residents & fellows nationwide (Vanderbilt, Dartmouth, Rush, OrthoCarolina, and many others), has built a $1 million revenue financial planning business, and co-founded Vestia Personal Wealth Advisors, and is an expert in helping physicians attain their financial goals—and has a niche passion for working with high-caliber female surgeons, and volunteers as a CFP® WIN (Women’s Initiative) Advocate to raise awareness about the profession for young women.
Her decade-long experience as an accomplished financial advisor and executive has led to her being a sought-after speaker for financial workshops throughout Alabama, Georgia—and Tennessee, where she has happily resided with her husband and two young children.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.