Digital Marketing: Burn Your Funnel and Start Over

Geeta Nadkarni is an expert in the field of publicity, marketing, and helping small business owners to grow their businesses. Before, she used to be obsessed with the latest tools and tech until she realized she was asking the wrong questions. It’s a little like arguing over paint colors before buying the house.
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The Best Way to Break Up With Someone

Interview: Carol Barkes

This comes from a communications expert, Carol Barkes. Here are some talking points for an interview on how to break up with someone in the best possible way:

1)  Acknowledge the positive. When relationships end, it doesn’t necessarily mean our love and feelings for the person ends, too.  We can love someone and still know the relationship is not right for each other.  With that being said, acknowledging this is and recognizing the lovely moments that brought the two of you together is a far better spin for our brains than to completely focus on the negatives.

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Do Probiotics Really Improve Health in Women?

Interview Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor can discuss whether one should utilize probiotics. As you will find, this is a million-dollar question with a complicated answer.

Talking Points from Dr. Mimi Secor 
on Probiotics:

Probiotics are promoted as the best thing since sliced bread as far as benefiting the vagina. Unfortunately, the scientific evidence is not so clear. Manufacturers of Over-the-counter products can make any claim they want without research to back up these claims. This is a huge problem for the consumer.

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Using Neuroscience in Business Meetings

Interview: Carol Barkes

From Carol Barkes on
Neuroscience Tips for a Meeting
Neuroscience is an exciting field that continues to explore how people learn. Applying this kind of knowledge can benefit the future of the modern business meeting. Here are a few quick tips to consider before your next meeting:
1. Take a walk. Consider having meetings while walking or even have your team walk before a meeting. The oxygen received to the brain will improve the decision-making process.
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Recognizing the 5 Early Warning Signs of Dementia

Available for Interviews: Glenn Matecun.

Glenn R. Metecun, CELA, is certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation. Catching the early warning signs of dementia is crucial in helping to get the care your loved one needs.

Talking Points from Glenn Matecun
on Dementia:

Dementia is a term that describes a variety of symptoms affecting a person’s cognitive functioning, including their ability to think, remember, and reason. Different types of dementia affect the brain in different ways, and dementia is progressive, but early detection can greatly improve your loved one’s quality of life. Here are five symptoms to look out for when you are dealing with an older loved one.

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Kids & College: Smart Talk From a Financial Advisor

Interview Kathleen E. Owings.

Financial Advisor, Kathleen Owings can discuss the topic of planning for college and how to have that important talk with your college-bound children.

Some key points that Kathleen Owings
can expand on in an interview on college planning:

Talking to your kids about finances is never easy; especially if you need to tell them that they are going to be responsible for their own college expenses. It is certainly important to have the conversation in the event that their heart is set on an ivy league college, but they do not realize that the bill will fall on them. Here’s some straight-forward advice on addressing the issue:

  1. Have that open conversation about college so everyone is on the same page. Talk to them about where they would like to go to school and what they think they want to study.
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The Brain Science Behind Gender Bias in the Workplace: Communications Explored

Interview: Carol Barkes

Some talking points for an interview on
women on gender bias in the workplace:

  • As one of the San Francisco Bay Area first female firefighters and now a woman in a still largely male dominated legal field, I regularly experience gender bias.  In fact, we all do and some of it cannot be helped.
  • Biases come in two forms extrinsic and intrinsic.  Intrinsic biases happen “under the hood” or unconsciously.  They are our brains way of filtering information that is ancestral in nature—is someone a friend or is someone a potential threat, for instance.  Extrinsic biases are consciously driven in that we choose to have them.  For instance, I choose not to hire a woman. Continue reading “The Brain Science Behind Gender Bias in the Workplace: Communications Explored”

Perimenopausal Depression: A Unique Form of Depression Calls for an Alternative Approach

Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor

Interview Dr. Eldred Taylor to answer all of your women’s health questions regarding hormonal imbalances and how to correct them. Dr. Taylor is a leader in the hormone industry and is passionate about helping women while using a holistic functional medicine approach.

Talking Points for an Interview with Dr. Taylor
on Perimenopausal Depression

What is perimenopause? Perimenopause usually occurs between ages 35-50. Around this age ovulation in women is more erratic and the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. This is caused by an imbalance in female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen affects serotonin in the brain and progesterone affects a brain chemical called GABA. Serotonin and GABA affect mood positively. A disruption in ovulation leads to a disruption in hormones, and this leads to a disruption in mood in the negative which leads to depression.

Statistics. Studies show that anywhere from 20%–40% of perimenopausal women will experience depression.

Perimenopausal depression. This kind of depression is caused by this imbalance in the brain chemicals mentioned above. What makes women even more susceptible to depression is life stress. Around this time women may be dealing with divorce, single parenting, college tuition, sick and aging parents, etc. All of this is happening simultaneously, and a woman’s hormones are affecting her ability to handle the stress. This combination can lead to depression. 

Signs of depression. Signs include irritability, lack of interest in activities, fatigue, lack of motivation, excessive sleeping or insomnia, weight gain, and cravings.

How to obtain treatment: Antidepressants are not the answer. The best option is to measure hormones with saliva testing to diagnose the hormonal imbalance. Once the imbalance in hormones is diagnosed, the hormones should be balanced using bio-identical hormones.

Dr. Eldred Taylor, MD


Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor

Dr. Eldred Taylor , MD, is an expert in functional and anti-aging medicine and is President of the American Functional Medicine Association, a nonprofit which educates healthcare providers and the public on functional (wellness) medicine. He is the co-author of Are Your Hormones Making You Sick? and The Stress Connection. Dr. Taylor is also a sought-after radio and television personality who has been featured in local and national publications. 

Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.

Risks Small Business Owners Don’t Even Know They Have

Interview Geeta Nadkarni

Geeta Nadkarni is an expert in the field of publicity, marketing, and helping small business owners to grow their businesses and here are a few things she would say in an interview:

11 Practical Tips for Preventing Infections Unique to Women

Interview Dr. Mimi Secor on preventing infections unique to women.

Dr. Mimi Secor has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner, and has specialized in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a popular National Speaker and Consultant, educating advanced practice clinicians and consumers around the country and the world.

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