How to Teach Your Children to Be More Inclusive

Available for Interviews: Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes, CPM, MBA, is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.


Talking Points from Carol Barkes on what she can say in an interview
about Teaching Children to Be More Inclusive


1)  Our brains have evolved to be very socially oriented. They also look to naturally locate “people like us” and be suspicious of people who are different.

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MLB is DOA: Cancelling Baseball Could Be Catastrophic for the Sport

Available for Interviews: Rob Cornilles.

For a quarter century Rob Cornilles has been known as the “sales coach for sports.” His firm, Game Face, Inc., pioneered executive training for professional and collegiate sports teams and has since advised more than 40,000 executives at more than 300 sports brands worldwide, forever changing how sports and entertainment properties connect with their fans.

What Rob Cornilles Could Say in an Interview:

  • MLB is about to shoot itself in the foot and cancel the entire season could be catastrophic for that league (Think 1994, following the strike).

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‘Comics Who Care’ Caption Cartoons to Support Mental Health through COVID-19 (and beyond)

Available for Interviews:
Dara Barlin, a former global peace-builder and specialist in the area of culture transformation in the workplace. She is the creator of Comics Who Care.

‘Comics Who Care’ Caption Cartoons to Support Mental Health through COVID-19 (and beyond)

Anxiety, depression, suicide and domestic violence are all on the rise during COVID-19; and now a group of professional Stand Up comedians have signed up to help address it. The comedians are offering funny one liners for a ‘Caption This!’ Cartoon Contest supporting mental health through COVID-19. The cartoons represent how various households behave during the pandemic – from the worst human tendencies, to the best. The captions Continue reading “‘Comics Who Care’ Caption Cartoons to Support Mental Health through COVID-19 (and beyond)”

Social Distancing: How to Avoid Judgement and Hostility Toward Others

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.


Talking Points from Dr. Cira on the Judgement and Hostility
Surrounding Social Distancing:

What we’re seeing right now is SO MUCH JUDGEMENT and hostility about people who make different choices than us. If you’re taking a run with your baby in a stroller, should you be on the street or the sidewalk? If you’re taking a walk, should you be wearing a mask or is it Ok to abstain if you’re social distancing? You-should-be-taking-social-distancing-more-seriously vs. you-can’t-control-me. Sigh. Craziness.  

Continue reading “Social Distancing: How to Avoid Judgement and Hostility Toward Others”

Couples Avoiding Fights While “Sheltering in Place”

Interview: Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.

Some Talking Points from Carol Barkes
on How Couples Can Avoid Fights During the Quarantine

Here are some talking points for an interview on how can communicate their feelings better when trying to overcome conflict:

1.  The first thing is to consider reframing the word “fight” to have more constructive conversations.  But if we want to use the word “fight,” then we want to figuratively put the issue on one side of the table and you, as a couple, on the other. You must remain partners in the pursuit of improving your relationship and resolving issues.

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Relationship Rules: 5 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.

Talking Points From Carol Barkes
On 5 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last:

1) Remember, our brains naturally cling to negative information more than positive information. It is due to our primal survival brain that sees negative things as threats. So . . . constructive criticism is still criticism. Talk about the matter that is frustrating you and discuss the process or how to make the situation better. Do not criticize your partner.  

Continue reading “Relationship Rules: 5 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last”

How to Argue Without Being Emotional

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.


Talking Points From Carol Barkes On
How to Argue Without Being Emotional:

When someone cries during a difficult conversation, it is due to a release of chemicals that activates the limbic system of their brain. This part of the brain is where our freeze, fight, or flight response is generated. The tears are just one physiological symptom of this system being activated. Others include getting red (on our chest, neck, and/or face), shaking, raised voice, talking faster, closed body language (a defense mechanism), increased blink rate, etc.

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How Couples Can Fight Fair

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.

Talking Points From Carol Barkes On How Couples
Can Communicate Better When in Disagreement

    • Make the conversation about the problem, not the person—criticism is not a smart approach! Instead, it is okay to voice a complaint about an action, behavior, or process. Do not criticize the person’s character and expect good results.

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4 Negotiation Takeaways From Harry & Meghan’s Split From the Royal Family

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.

Talking Points From Carol Barkes On
4 Negotiation Takeaways From
Harry & Meghan’s Split From the Royal Family:


  1. Other people’s people can often make the problem worse than the original issue. We love our friends, family, and advocates for their undying support. That said, these same people can make our conflicts worse by only seeing our side and creating “evil plot twists” that make us look better at the expense of the person with whom we are having the conflict with. This tends to make matters more complicated and can skew the original points of contention. Instead, ask your supporters to stand down and leave this matter to the parties involved. Try not to triangulate the matter by talking to other people who are not involved with the situations. Stick to having conversations with the parties you are in conflict with and only seek to brainstorm with others about how to resolve them.

Continue reading “4 Negotiation Takeaways From Harry & Meghan’s Split From the Royal Family”

Meeting the Parents Over the Holidays When Tension Is Expected

Interview Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a trend-setting mediator, business executive and educator specializing in the use of neuroscience to improve business performance, interpersonal communications, negotiation and conflict resolution processes for optimally successful results.

Talking Points From Carol Barkes On
Meeting the Parents Over the Holidays:

Our negative judgements in relationships can be explored through our knowledge of nueroscience. Though it is very difficult to change one’s opinions once they have been formed over time through their values, there are some strategies that one can employ to minimize conflict.

    1. Well over 90% of our thinking is unconsciously driven by our brain which is in the business of rapidly processing huge amounts of information and deciding if we should move towards a reward or away from a threat. Continue reading “Meeting the Parents Over the Holidays When Tension Is Expected”