6 Ways to De-Stress for the Holiday Season

Interview: Dr. Donna Perillo.

Dr. Donna Perillo, DC, CNS, NMD; creator of “Arthriticise for Low Back and Neck Pain,” “Decrease Stress and Anxiety in 21 Days,” and the “Habits of Healing” podcast.

Dr. Perillo’s talking points on
De-Stressing for the Holiday Season

Living a healthy lifestyle is not always easy!! In fact, it is usually an uphill battle, especially during the holidays. It is, however, the best thing you can do to keep your body, mind, and spirit healthy.

Continue reading “6 Ways to De-Stress for the Holiday Season”

Do Probiotics Really Improve Health in Women?

Interview Dr. Mimi Secor

Dr. Mimi Secor can discuss whether one should utilize probiotics. As you will find, this is a million-dollar question with a complicated answer.

Talking Points from Dr. Mimi Secor 
on Probiotics:

Probiotics are promoted as the best thing since sliced bread as far as benefiting the vagina. Unfortunately, the scientific evidence is not so clear. Manufacturers of Over-the-counter products can make any claim they want without research to back up these claims. This is a huge problem for the consumer.

Continue reading “Do Probiotics Really Improve Health in Women?”

62-Year-Old Makes Bodybuilding Debut

Dr. Mimi Secor stepped out of her comfort zone to get fit, and she wants to motivate others to do the same

Interview Dr. Mimi Secor.

Dr. Mimi Secor has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice, is a Nurse Practitioner and serves the Boston, MA area. She travels extensively and is available for live or remote interviews.

Talking Points from Dr. Mimi for an Interview on age & fitness:
  • Dr. Mimi, a certified nurse practitioner for over 40 years was pursuing her doctorate when she realized she had let her health take the backseat in her life and needed to make a drastic change.
  • Symptoms that lead to Dr. Mimi’s transformation: weight gain, sleep loss, and anxiety.
  • Dr. Mimi gets in shape on an exercise bicycle in her livingroom, lifting light weights—all the while working on her doctorate. Continue reading “62-Year-Old Makes Bodybuilding Debut”

Don’t Let Seasonal Allergies Derail Your Running

Available for Interviews: Dr. Donna Perillo, DC, CNS, NMD; creator of “Arthriticise for Low Back and Neck Pain,” “Decrease Stress and Anxiety in 21 Days,” and the “Habits of Healing” podcast.

What Dr. Perillo Can Talk About: