Facebook: A Turning Point for Social Networks?

Available for Interviews: Dr. Hope Umansky

Dr. Hope Umansky is an American Culture College Professor with a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Is this a turning point for social networks?
Or, will things continue to get worse?

American Culture professor can talk about where this might be taking us as a country.

What Dr. Hope can say in an interview on this topic:

    • The testimony from the Facebook whistleblower, Francis Haugen, was courageous and compelling.
    • This is a turning point with America’s social networks. We have seen their algorithms affect elections around the world. We have seen social media turn family members against each other. Will the networks course correct?  Will Congress have to take a harder stance? Is it enough that it is hurting America’s children (and is that really resonating with parents who may not fully understand what they are doing when they hand their kids a cell phone.)

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