Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen
Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.
What Harry Abramhamsen can say in an interview about
Applying How to Maximize Your Money’s Potential:
Money Is not Math, and Math Is not Money
Money behaves more like a piece of fruit than mathematics.
Math is perfect. 1 + 1 will equal 2 . . . Forever. But one dollar today plus one dollar a year from today will never equal two dollars because of taxes and inflation. Money erodes over time. It’s just not about money eroding from today to your retirement years but for the rest of your life. Money erodes over time in the form of:
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