The “New Normal?” Examine Your Costs Now for a Changing Work Environment

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

Talking Points / What Mark Freedman can say in an interview
on Examining Your Costs for a Changing Work Environment:

  1. Have you surveyed your workforce to determine if they want to return to the office or work remotely?

      • How many of your FTEs will split between a work from home and in office solution?
      • Have you examined all solutions and the costs as well as the additional risks of working remotely
      • Do you have the protocols in place to protect the business from a potential security breach?
  1. Do you need all of the leased real estate you have for your current footprint based on the old normal for this “New Normal”?
      • Have you had a conversation with your landlord about the potential restructuring of your lease?
      • Landlords are willing to restructure leases by extending the lease term and delaying the current rent collection by adding it to the end of the lease
  2. Have you had a conversation with your insurance providers for property casualty and cyber coverages to confirm that the remote workforce does not cause a claim denial should you have a loss.
  3. Does your business interruption insurance cover pandemics or has that been carved out from being an accepted claim?
  4. Have you reviewed your telecommunication needs for a  remote workforce?
      • Employees could use a solution like MS Teams so the office phone rings on their mobile.
      • Does the employee have a newer phone that will accept a physical Sim and an eSim so that both lines could ring on their wireless device without a solution provider involved? 
      • Are you giving your employee a stipend to cover the cost of a faster internet solution?


Interview: Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is a Certified Expense Reduction Consultant and Founder and CEO of Expense to Profit and currently serves as the Chief Cost Evaluator of Expense to Profit, expertly advising his client management team on how to help people to successfully achieve business and financial growth goals. He utilizes 40 years of experience by efficiently implementing his comprehensive solutions to control client costs and focus on individual successes. Freedman recently released his book, Expense to Profit: Eliminate the Costs that Sabotage Your Growth.


Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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