Available for Interviews: Dr. Alice Fong
Alice Fong, ND, is an integrative naturopathic doctor specializing in stress, integrative medicine, diet & weight loss, and is a business growth consultant for holistic healthcare providers.
What Dr. Alice Fong can say in an interview
About Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Interview With Oprah:
What Meghan and Harry’s Interview with Oprah taught us about speaking out when we feel silenced and trapped.
Even though most of us are not members or ex-members of the British Parliament, I’ve encountered many people who expressed to me that they felt “trapped” in their life in some form or fashion. Maybe they have felt stuck in a loveless marriage, or even worse, an abusive relationship. Or perhaps trapped in a job they hate and not being able to express their frustrations. People who feel stuck in a seemingly hopeless situation for a long period of time are at a high-risk for major depressive disorder, and even suicidal ideation.
Here are 3 mental health takeaways from
Meghan & Harry’s interview:
- Have Courage. Meghan demonstrated huge courage in sharing with Harry and the royal family that she struggled with her mental health when she expressed, “I just didn’t want to be alive anymore.” How could anyone’s mental health not be affected when under media scrutiny to such a high degree? It is perfectly understandable. Even though she was denied her much-needed mental health care, it took huge strength and courage to be able to speak out, and it was the first step in getting them both out of an impossible situation. Sometimes we are afraid to speak out because of how it might be received or how the other person might perceive it, but without doing so, nothing will ever change. In speaking up and letting your feelings be known, it at least gives you a chance, even if it’s a tiny one.
- Be Vulnerable. For Meghan, the thought of not wanting to be alive anymore was a “very clear, real, and frightening constant thought.” Even though she struggled to share these dark thoughts with Harry, ultimately she chose to be vulnerable and do so because the alternative as she saw it, was much worse. Brené Brown describes vulnerability as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.” Vulnerability requires us to step outside of our comfort zone for the growth and possibility of something bigger and better. Yes, it’s scary to step out into the unknown and face uncertainty, but staying in the same place can be just as detrimental, if not more.
- Ask for and Accept Help. Sometimes people can feel like there’s no way out of their bad situation. It can eventually lead to the extreme thoughts of thinking that their only options are to either continue suffering in silence or end their life. However, asking for help can not only make other options become available, but can expand your perspective on what might be possible. We all have a limited perspective about most things in life, because it’s based on our past experiences. But when we collaborate with other people, the collective brainpower can come up with unique solutions you might not have thought of on your own. You might be surprised by the kindness of friends and even strangers when you’re in a tough situation. Meghan and Harry were very fortunate to have Tyler Perry open up his home to them and offer his security for protection when their own security was quickly revoked from them as soon as they decided to step down from the royal life. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours: 800-273-8255.
I found Meghan and Harry’s interview to be profoundly moving and inspiring. I remember hearing the news of Meghan and Harry leaving the royal family to live in California, and I was shocked at the news. I just attributed it to royal drama and didn’t think much of it afterwards so it fell off my radar. But hearing both of them be so open and vulnerable in the interview reminded me that they too are still human beings that have to face enormous challenges, and it gave me so much more respect and admiration for them; to not only have endured and overcome such a seemingly hopeless situation, but to also do it under the microscope of the obsessive media.
Interview: Dr. Alice Fong
Known as the “Virtual Stress Doc,” Alice Fong, ND, helps busy professionals break free from their stress and anxiety so that they can focus on what matters to them using a 5-step holistic approach. She is the founder and CEO of Amour de Soi Wellness, which offers one-on-one wellness programs, corporate wellness workshops, e-learning, and resilience training courses.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.