5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Business Lawyer

Interview Phil Crowley.

Philip P. Crowley, is a dedicated attorney who has been handling legal matters for pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical devices, information technology and other technology companies for over 30 years. He has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship.


Talking Points from Phil Crowley
on the 5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Business Lawyer:

Hiring a lawyer can seem like a daunting task. But it needn’t be. Here are five questions to ask to help you get started.

  1. What practice areas do you cover?  E.g. litigation/disputes, commercial transactions/contracts, trusts and estates. Then, ask yourself whether those cover the type of problems and issues that you are facing.

  1. What types of matters do you handle? You need to know whether the lawyer specializes in a particular type of matter or handles any legal matter that comes along.  Having someone who specializes in your types of matters is the best course for obtaining cost-effective advice. A lawyer who tries to cover all the bases may not have the specialized experience needed to turn legal advice into practical business solutions.


  1. How many years have you been in practice in the area you cover? Obviously more experience is better.


  1. Have you handled matters like . . . ? (Describe your business matter.) and if so, How frequently? Obviously, more experience with matters like yours is better.



  • How do you bill and what is your rate? Are you open to considering fixed prices for routine matters?



Listen carefully for the answers and you’ll learn a lot about the communication style of the lawyer and whether his or her personality is a good fit for yours. You will want as your counsel a good communicator who cares about the type of business you are conducting and who can connect with you on a “human” level!


Available for Interviews: Phil Crowley.

Philip P. Crowley is an attorney for over 30 years who is passionate about helping grow technology companies seize opportunities and avoid expensive legal mistakes as they make ideas come to fruition. Mr. Crowley has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship. He is the Managing Partner at the Law Office of Philip P. Crowley, LLC. Visit Phil Crowley on the web at www.CrowleyLawLLC.com


Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success in Media, Inc.

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