• Breast cancer is striking women in the prime of their lives. Women in the United States have a breast cancer rate of approximately 12%. The rate of premenopausal (before age 50) breast cancer has increased by 30% in the last thirty years.
    • One out of eight American women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Thirty to forty of every 100,000 women in the United States will die of breast cancer. The rate of breast cancer has increased by 1% a year since 1940. Media coverage has increased public awareness and the fear of breast cancer in the U.S.
    • In Asia, the incidence of breast cancer is less than half of the rate found in the U.S. Only 2 to 5 out of 100,000 Thai women die of breast cancer each year. When women from a country with a low incidence of breast cancer move to the U.S. their breast cancer risk increases. These facts indicate that the breast cancer rate may be influenced by environment, diet, and lifestyle more than genetics. Studies show that approximately 80% of breast cancers are caused by environmental factors rather than genetic predisposition.
    • While mammograms and breast self-examinations are important, they aid in screening, not prevention. They are designed to find tumors at an early stage. However, recent studies have shown that mammograms and early detection do not increase the life span of breast cancer survivors. Therefore, early detection and treatment do not necessarily mean that a woman will live longer with breast cancer. Also, it is controversial whether mammograms are of any benefit to women less than age 50. A study completed in 2009 by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force supports this information. Cancers diagnosed prior to age 50 are the most aggressive and fatal. If this is true, why shouldn’t women be afraid?
    • The best defense against breast cancer is for women to take control of their health by understanding what they can do to decrease their risk of breast cancer. Several studies and protocols developed at leading medical institutions are proving that there are better ways to determine if a woman is at an increased risk for breast cancer. Dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle changes can decrease your risk of breast cancer. Even if a woman has breast cancer, these changes may decrease her risk of recurrence.

      Essential Questions

      • Are you at risk for breast cancer?
      • Preventing breast cancer: Protect your DNA?
      • Is your body metabolizing estrogens properly?
      • Do birth control pills increase breast cancer risk?
      • Does Premarin or Provera increase breast cancer risk?
      • Is there a link between progesterone and breast cancer prevention?
      • How can diet aid in preventing various cancers?
      • Is there a stress connection when it comes to cancer?

Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor

Dr. Eldred Taylor, MD, is an expert in functional and anti-aging medicine and is President of the American Functional Medicine Association, a nonprofit which educates healthcare providers and the public on functional (wellness) medicine. He is the co-author of Are Your Hormones Making You Sick? and The Stress Connection. Dr. Taylor is also a sought-after radio and television personality who has been featured in local and national publications. 

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.