Coping With Cancelled Summertime Events

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Colleen Cira

Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.


Talking Points on What Dr. Cira Can Say in an Interview
On the Emotional Impact of Cancelled Summertime Events:

  • How do we deal with disappointment?
  • Do we need to put this in perspective as more than 100,000 have died?
  • What are some strategies that can help us manage our emotions

Continue reading “Coping With Cancelled Summertime Events”

How to Raise Children With Healthy Self-Esteem

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist a trauma and anxiety expert, clinical supervisor, writer, speaker, consultant, and activist. She has been published numerously offering practical advice and tips to those seeking self-help.

Talking Points from Dr. Cira on
Raising Kids With Healthy Self-Esteem:

I’ve worked with hundreds of people struggling with childhoods that they need to recover from and therefore, low self-esteem.  I am one of these folks as well so I have a unique perspective, and a lot to say, about this particular issue. Break the cycle of low self-esteem with these constructive strategies.

How do we raise kids with healthy self-esteem? 

Why Is Healthcare So Problematic in America?

Available for Interviews: Dr. Reagan B. Anderson

Dr. Anderson is the author of Universal Death Care: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement. Dr. Anderson was a combat doctor in Iraq, and has since run a successful medical clinic in the U.S. He wrote this book because he is tired of profit-driven policies that don’t support American health. For this reason, Anderson has dedicated his life to changing healthcare in America.

What Dr. Anderson Can Say in an Interview on Healthcare in the US:

Why You Do Not Get the Healthcare
You Deserve

  • Lack of one set of rules means that some get better care than others.
  • If you are in a lower socioeconomic category there is even more rationing of care due to worse insurance and inability to afford care.

Continue reading “Why Is Healthcare So Problematic in America?”

Quarantined: 4 Tips on How to Cope When “Sheltering In”

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.


Talking Points from Dr. Cira
On How to Cope When “Sheltering In”:

Here are a four practical suggestions for anyone struggling with the experience of being quarantined, aka “sheltering in”:


  1. Create structure and/or a schedule.  Most of us function much more efficiently (and happier!) when we know what’s coming next.  So create a loose schedule for yourself. Go to bed and get up at around the same times every day.  Have meals at the same times. Creating predictability and consistency will help your nervous system re-regulate to this new normal. Continue reading “Quarantined: 4 Tips on How to Cope When “Sheltering In””

Social Distancing: How to Avoid Judgement and Hostility Toward Others

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.


Talking Points from Dr. Cira on the Judgement and Hostility
Surrounding Social Distancing:

What we’re seeing right now is SO MUCH JUDGEMENT and hostility about people who make different choices than us. If you’re taking a run with your baby in a stroller, should you be on the street or the sidewalk? If you’re taking a walk, should you be wearing a mask or is it Ok to abstain if you’re social distancing? You-should-be-taking-social-distancing-more-seriously vs. you-can’t-control-me. Sigh. Craziness.  

Continue reading “Social Distancing: How to Avoid Judgement and Hostility Toward Others”

The Impact of Stress and 5 Tips to Cope Better

Interview: Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.


Some Talking Points from Carol Barkes
on Stress and How to Cope

Constant upsetting messages can cause havoc on our brains and disrupt our wellbeing. How best to cope with it?

The Impact of Stress

Advice for the Elderly Coping With the Fear of COVID-19

Interview: Dr. Donna Perillo.

Dr. Donna Perillo, DC, CNS, NMD; creator of “Arthriticise for Low Back and Neck Pain,” “Decrease Stress and Anxiety in 21 Days,” the “Habits of Healing” podcast—and now, author of Unstoppable Women Over 50: Rekindle Your Passion, Health, and Vitality.

Talking Points On Advice for the
Elderly Coping With the Fear of COVID-19

Why the Coronavirus
is Scary to the Elderly

  • This is scary for everyone, however,
  • Statistically the older you are the higher the risk
  • Elderly people tend to have more risk factors: cardiovascular, diabetes, COPD

Continue reading “Advice for the Elderly Coping With the Fear of COVID-19”

Hate Your Life? How to Cope When You’re Feeling Discouraged

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.

Talking Points from Dr. Cira
On How to Cope When You’re Feeling Discouraged:


Why People Hate (Or Believe They Hate) Their Lives 

There are so many reasons for this. A history of childhood adversity, toxic stress and/or trauma, a difficult season in their life, a genetic predisposition to experience mood disturbance, experiencing microaggressions, marginalization or oppression due to racism, patriarchy, sexism, or homophobia. The list goes on and on and on.  

Continue reading “Hate Your Life? How to Cope When You’re Feeling Discouraged”

Unstoppable Women Over 50: Rekindle Your Passion, Health, and Vitatality

Interview: Dr. Donna Perillo.

Dr. Donna Perillo, DC, CNS, NMD; creator of “Arthriticise for Low Back and Neck Pain,” “Decrease Stress and Anxiety in 21 Days,” the “Habits of Healing” podcast—and now, author of Unstoppable Women Over 50: Rekindle Your Passion, Health, and Vitality.

The following article has been featured on
websites inlcuding NBC, CBS, ABS, and FOX:

Women over 50 are UNSTOPPABLE! At least they can be. The truth is, life after 50 is where life really begins. It’s where we can experience the most joy, and love, and passion, and . . . leave a legacy! “Unstoppable Women over 50” can help you unlock your passion, dreams, and desires. One of the secrets is to stop listening to the lies the world is telling us. There is an old narrative and archaic dogma that the media and marketers and traditions tell us . . . that life is over, and you should retire! But not the Unstoppable Women.

Continue reading “Unstoppable Women Over 50: Rekindle Your Passion, Health, and Vitatality”

Winter Mental Health Survival Tips

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, so she has worked with hundreds of people struggling with a family of origin issues.

Talking Points from Dr. Cira
On Holiday Survival Tips:

  • Know your limits! We all have a tendency to go on auto-pilot from time to time, especially when we’re stressed out and/or are limited on our emotional bandwidth. So wake up and check yourself! How are you feeling about spending time with your family? What can you handle? What would feel good versus simply obligatory? Once you do that, you can set yourself up for more success and Holiday happiness 🙂 Continue reading “Winter Mental Health Survival Tips”