Helping Families Struggling With Distance Learning

Available for Interviews:  Julie DeLucca-Collins

Julie DeLucca-Collins shows people how to create simple habits and go from overwhelm to self-doubt to having more peace, purpose, power,  passion, and prosperity. She is the author of Confident You: Simple Habits to Live the Life You Have Imagined.

What Julie DeLucca-Collins can say in an interview on
Families Struggling With Distance Learning:

From technology troubles to getting the antsy anxious students, remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic has been a challenge for many families across the country. 

      • Parents are having to fill in the gap and are spending a lot of time working with their students.  

      • Many special education students that have an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) guarantee students special learning accommodations. Despite the hard work of schools to PIVOT, these special accomodations cannot be provided under the current situation
      • Students with IEPs are less likely to seek help and seek assistance from their teachers. Communicate well and communicate often, but be mindful of your communication practices. 
      • Parents can help their students by giving them technology breaks.
      • Parents can also form collaboratives to help support each other in this process. 
      • Asking questions of the schools and partnering with their teacher can help parents to understand how to support their children.


Interview: Julie DeLucca-Collins

Julie DeLucca-Collins is a coach who helps individuals and businesses identify their dreams and create a road map to get there. She helps people navigate through the real or perceived obstacles in the way. Clients gain new confidence to take bigger leaps. She recently released her new book,  Confident You: Simple Habits to Live the Life You Have Imagined. For more information visit:


Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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