401k Investments Amid the Current Coronavirus Crisis

Interview Kathleen E. Owings.

Financial Advisor, Kathleen Owings can discuss the topic of how to go about finding and hiring the right financial planner for your individual or family needs.

Some Key Talking Points From Kathleen Owings
on 401k Investments Amid the Current Coronavirus Crisis:

It is completely normal to feel nervous and less than secure sometimes when it comes to our investments—especially when the country (even the world) seems to operating on shaky grounds. But even though we are experiencing some major market volatility amid the Coronavirus, here’s some helpful, solid advice when it comes to long-term investments like your 401k:

  • Investors should remain calm and not make any rash decisions about their investments in the midst of these market movements.

  • Market corrections and volatility are very normal for the stock market. This one may feel different as we are coming out of 2019 which had less volatility and finished up 29%.

  • It is always wise to review your risk tolerance and be sure your investments coincide with it.

  • Ultimately, we know that the market moves in cycles and this will be another cycle for us to note.

  • As far as protecting your investments, investors should review their investments but take a long view on the returns.

  • Most people do not need their retirement money tomorrow, so overreacting to something happening today, that might impact their future decades down the road, is not advised.

  • It is best to make decisions that are measured and financially-based not based on emotions.


Available for Interviews: Kathleen E. Owings.

Kathleen E. Owings is Principal and Financial Advisor for Westbilt Financial Group. She was named one of the 4 Under 40 in 2018, a prestigious award given by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors to only four young advisors in the country. Kathleen manages assets for individuals, families, and businesses to the highest standards of fiduciary duty.

Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.

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