Ransomware 101: Don’t Be a Victim

Available for Interviews:  Paul Tracey

Paul Tracey is the Founder & CEO of Innovative Technologies, a Managed Security Service Provider in New York, and is a national speaker, cyber security educator, small business advocate, and author of Delete The Hacker Playbook and Cyber Storm.

What Paul Tracey can say in an interview on

We should all know by now that ransomware is a threat to everyone, not just companies.

The data tells us that 95% of ransomware attacks originate with social engineering and phishing emails. So if we want to mitigate the majority of risks, social media and email hygiene are a necessity. 

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Hackers, Phishing, and Social Engineering: Protection With These Cyber Tips

Available for Interviews Phil Crowley

Philip P. Crowley, is a dedicated attorney who has been handling legal matters for pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical devices, information technology and other technology companies for over 30 years. He has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship.


Talking Points from Phil Crowley
on How to Practice Good Online Hygiene

Hackers are threatening to  reveal personal details of some of the very famous clients of NYC attorney Allen Grubman, e.g. Elton John, Lady Gaga and Barbara Streisand.  We don’t yet know the details of how the hackers gained access to the system or what data they have. Nonetheless, the incident reminds us to exercise good “online hygiene” habits, i.e. cybersecurity, especially as more workers are working from home, either on business computers or home computers.

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