Money Hack from a Successful Business Coach

Interview: Geeta Nadkarni

Geeta Nadkarni, founder of: and

This money hack is DEFINITELY not the typical budgeting advice
When money is tight, most folks focus on tightening the budget, saving and buckling down. I did the opposite and it led me to make a million dollars (and counting).
HACK: Invest in yourself

Buy information or coaching that will  help you solve not just your temporary problem but create a permanent solution.

In 2015, I invested the last of my savings in some coaching and online courses to teach me how to build a business around my expertise.

I was coming off two years of maternity leave and literally two weeks after I decided to launch my business, my husband found out he was going to get laid off from the job that was currently paid our bills. No pressure.

I believed in myself. And it is that belief that ultimately took me from scrimping to save (which I had been doing for the previous two years—I even packed coffee from home because money was so tight) to building a 7-figure business in less than five years.

My husband now works with me full-time and we have more than we ever dreamed possible.

Sometimes the best money hack
is not to save, but to INVEST
Because I invested when I didn’t have the money, I was that much more motivated to make it work. And I did. Everyone who called me irresponsible and gullible back in the day, now tells me I’m “lucky.”
Call it luck, if you want. But I am sure a combination of self-belief and self-investment is the ultimate money hack there is to achieving big success.

Available for Interviews: Geeta Nadkarni

Geeta Nadkarni is an expert in the field of publicity, marketing, and helping small business owner to grow their businesses. She is also an award-winning journalist, national speaker, and is passionate about entrepreneurship and DIY business growth strategies.

Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.

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