Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor
Interview Dr. Eldred Taylor to answer all of your women’s health questions regarding hormonal imbalances and how to correct them. Dr. Taylor is a leader in the hormone industry and is passionate about helping women while using a holistic functional medicine approach.
Dr. Taylor’s talking points on
Hormones and Our Health:
- Stress disrupts hormone balance.
- Hormones used in animals like chicken and beef throw off your hormone levels
- Hormones prescribed without proper testing ( i.e. birth control pills and hormone replacement medication) cause people problems
- Poor diets
- Obesity
Interview: Dr. Eldred Taylor
Dr. Eldred Taylor, MD, is an expert in functional and anti-aging medicine and is President of the American Functional Medicine Association, a nonprofit which educates healthcare providers and the public on functional (wellness) medicine. He is the co-author of Are Your Hormones Making You Sick? and The Stress Connection. Dr. Taylor is also a sought-after radio and television personality who has been featured in local and national publications.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.