Available for Interviews: Dr. Mimi Secor
Dr. Mimi Secor DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women’s Health for over 40 years. She is a sought-after national speaker and consultant has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets. Dr. Mimi is also a fitness and health advocate, and is passionate about helping women to lose weight and feel great, and is the author of the newest book, Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women.
What Dr. Mimi Secor could say in an interview on
Tips to Enjoy Exercise More:
- Select activities you enjoy. You are much more likely to maintain an exercise program if you enjoy the activity. Do you like walking, swimming, riding a bike, working out at a gym, or working out at home? To start, maybe try walking around the block. Notice everything as a sensory experience; nature, bird sounds, flowers, anything, everything. This will take your mind off the exercise/activity. This approach works like magic for me. You can also dance to music in your home. Rethinking your approach to exercise will definitely help get you started.
- Walking Is an Easy and Very Effective Exercise. It requires very little special equipment/supplies. But be sure you have good, supportive walking shoes. Also, select a safe route away from car traffic, and in a well-lit area. Avoid walking alone in isolated areas. You may enjoy listening to music but keep the volume low so you are aware of your surroundings. Sticking to flat, well-maintained surfaces at first. Hiking trails are fun but more challenging with the possible uneven terrain which can increase the risk for falls. Choosing activities that are easier to do can still offer a tremendous amount of benefits.
- Control Your Self-Talk. I often say, it’s as easy or as hard as you think it is. You have control over your mind. If listening to music helps, then do that. If exercising outdoors floats your boat, then do that. Research has found that time in nature is emotionally rejuvenating so give it a try. I usually choose to exercise outdoors rather than inside unless the weather is extremely inclement.
- The Environment Can Be Key. I listen to live music when I work out at the gym. The beat keeps me motivated. But I like quiet when I’m exercising outdoors, in nature so I can enjoy the sights and sounds without distraction. The key is to figure out what works for you. Try different activities/exercises and see what you think. But be patient. Sometimes it takes a few weeks or months to really determine if you are going to like the activity. Hiring a trainer can help you stay motivated and also reduce injuries by learning the proper way to exercise especially if you are considering weight lifting. When I do go to the gym, I enjoy getting to know other members and interacting with them. The support is awesome and I experience less “gymtimidation.” Sometimes I also work out with other members and that support can lift me out of a rut and we can support one another in their fitness goals.
- Motivation and Inspiration. Feeling less motivated some days is normal. It’s okay. But working out anyway is a way of honoring ourselves. Consistency in our daily habits is key to long-term sustainability, so as NIKE says, “Just do it.” When I exercise outside I’m always looking for a quick photo opportunity to jump off my bike and enjoy a special scene, pretty flowers, water view, stone wall, interesting house, yard, whatever! For example, I recently painted a watercolor of a neighbor’s farm stand and brought it to her—where it now hangs on their kitchen wall.
Interview: Dr. Mimi Secor
Dr. Mimi Secor, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, is a Nurse Practitioner, Educator, Health/Fitness Advocate. She is also a popular National Speaker and Consultant, educating advanced practice clinicians and consumers around the country and the world. She is the author of the #1 International bestselling book, Debut a New You: Transforming Your Life at Any Age, and the newest title: Healthy & Fit at Any Age: A Guide to Creating Mindset, Nutrition, and Exercise Habits for Busy Women.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.
*Stutz, J., Eiholzer, R., & Spengler, C. M. (2019). Effects of Evening Exercise on Sleep in Healthy Participants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 49(2), 269–287. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-018-1015-0