5 Tips for Millennials and Early Retirement

Interview Kathleen E. Owings

They say it’s never to early to start planning for retirement. If the millennial generation is wise, they can position themselves to be in a more secure financial place—affording them a more comfortable life in their senior years.

Talking Points From Kathleen Owings
on Millennials and Early Retirement:

    1. Look at your employment benefits and see how they can be leveraged for greater savings for retirement. Be sure to take advantage of any matches at work in retirement plans to help boost your savings. This can be done today by looking at your benefits book or by talking to your Human Resources Department. Continue reading “5 Tips for Millennials and Early Retirement”

Flying the Friendly, Healthier Skies: 9 Tips From a Frequent Flyer

Interview Dr. Mimi Secor. Here are some talking points on the subject of air travel and our health. Dr. Secor addresses some of our common concerns when flying and offers some practical tips to mitigate the risks associated with this form of travel.

The holidays are coming up and you know what that means . . . increased travel to visit with loved ones!
Whenever we take a flight—any flight, short or long—germs and other health risks abound. What exactly are we exposing ourselves to?
Common Health Concerns While Flying
  • Germs are common on airplanes particularly on surfaces in the seat areas and bathrooms.
  • Many communicable diseases can easily spread on airplanes. A timely example is the measles. Measles is highly contagious because it is air-borne and uniquely infectious because it can remain in the air for up to two hours after an infected person leaves the room/air space. Continue reading “Flying the Friendly, Healthier Skies: 9 Tips From a Frequent Flyer”

Improving Posture for Better Health

Interview one of our Chiropractors on how adults can improve their posture for better health. Here is what one of our healthcare experts can say about posture:
1. Healthy posture is to your spine what a smile is to your face.
2. PAIN means to Pay Attention Inside Now

Continue reading “Improving Posture for Better Health”

4 Steps in Negotiating Unpaid Time Off From Work

Interview: Carol Barkes

This comes from a communications expert, Carol Barkes. Here are some talking points for an interview about negotiation unpaid time off from work:


  1. Create a win-win. How does unpaid time off work benefit both you and the employer?

  2. Give information about your “why.”  The more reasonable you make the request and the more information you give that help create the story about why you need the time and why it would be worth it for them to grant it, can be the game changer you need.

    Continue reading “4 Steps in Negotiating Unpaid Time Off From Work”

Fall Cleaning for Finances

Interview Kathleen E. Owings, financial advisor.  People often thing Spring Cleaning… Well, fall is really the perfect time for a fall cleaning… for your finances.

Some Key Points From Kathleen Owings
on Fall Cleaning for Finances:

  • Fall is a great time to clean out your home office. Many of us pile up old bank statements, credit card bills, etc., in our offices. Either shredded it yourself, or get a box together and look for a community shred event to get rid of the extra clutter and reduce any potential documents that could be used by an identity thief.
  • Be sure your beneficiaries are up-to-date on your life insurance policies and investment accounts.
  • Look at your budget and start planning for the holidays. Now is a great time to plan for your upcoming vacations to visit family and as well as plan for gift-giving for the kids and the family at large.
  • Now is a great time to either create or review your household income and expense budget to plan for the upcoming year.
  • Review your benefits that are provided through your employer to see if you want to make changes during open enrollment next year.

The right planning now sets you up for a more secure, happier future.  🙂

Kathleen E. Owings
Principal and Financial Advisor
Westbilt Financial Group

Available for Interviews: Kathleen E. Owings.

Kathleen E. Owings was named one of the 4 Under 40 in 2018, a prestigious award given by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors to only four young advisors in the country. Kathleen manages assets for individuals, families, and businesses to the highest standards of fiduciary duty.

Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.

Beyond Wills: Other Crucial Things to Consider in Estate Planning

Available for Interviews: Glenn Matecun.

It’s More than Just Wills …

Available: Glenn R. Metecun, CELA, is certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation. Interview Glenn to learn more about estate planning for our vulnerable seniors.

Talking Points on Other Crucial
Things to Consider in Estate Planning:

Have a Financial Power of Attorney. A Will alone is not enough, because a Will only deals with things after you are gone. You should also have a Financial Power of Attorney, Medical Directives to allow someone to carry out your medical wishes if you are incapacitated, and a HIPAA Authorization to allow your loved ones to talk to doctors, nurses and other medical professionals about your health needs.

Continue reading “Beyond Wills: Other Crucial Things to Consider in Estate Planning”

4 Constructive Steps When Confronting a Friend

Interview: Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D.

Dr. Cira has worked with hundreds of people struggling with suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, she also had a family member commit suicide, so she understands the tragedy of this both personally and professionally.

From Dr. Colleen Cira
How to Confront a Friend:

Sometimes with our friendships, we tend to sweep things under the rug, or we complain about them to other people, but never address it with the person. Many of us struggle with conflict in our friendships because we’re just not used to it! We see our partners ALL THE TIME, we may even live

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Epithalon Just Might Be the Epiphany You Needed

Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor

Interview Dr. Eldred Taylor to answer all of your women’s health questions regarding hormonal imbalances and how to correct them. Dr. Taylor is a leader in the hormone industry and is passionate about helping women while using a holistic functional medicine approach.

Talking Points for an Interview On Epithalon:

Can you really extend your lifespan? The answer could be Yes. The answer may be a chain of amino acids called Epithalon. Long chains of amino acids make proteins. Small chains of amino acids are called peptides. We are discovering new peptides every day that act as messengers in the body. One

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How to STOP Mansplaining

Interview:Carol Barkes on Mansplaining.
Carol Barkes is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.
Some Talking Points from Carol Barkes on 
How to Stop Mansplaining:
Mansplaining, while typically refers to when a man is talking down to a woman about topics she may actually know more about, can also be used to talk about this occurrence with any person or group who has perceived authority or power over another. Understand that much of this occurs from our brains unconscious process of labeling and filing information that is similar to other instances when this event has been previously experienced.

Do Passive-Aggressive Signs in Business Work?

Interview: Carol Barkes

This comes from a communications expert, Carol Barkes. Here are some talking points for an interview about passive-aggressive signs:

Our brains pay more attention to negative things than positive. It goes back to ancient times when negative things could mean death. Consequently, our brains notice and log negative messaging more than positive messaging. Unfortunately, our brains also direct us to move towards reward and away from threats.

Continue reading “Do Passive-Aggressive Signs in Business Work?”