3 Easy Ways Seniors Can Cut Costs During the Pandemic

Interview Kathleen E. Owings.

Financial Advisor, Kathleen Owings can discuss the topic of how to go about finding and hiring the right financial planner for your individual or family needs.


Some Key Talking Points From Kathleen Owings
on How Seniors Can Cut Costs:

During the coronavirus pandemic, seniors have the opportunity to continue to save money:


As most are finding they are not able to travel as much due to the travel restrictions, they are able to save those dollars that they would normally spend on expensive trips or cruises around the world. 

This budget-savings measure could potentially last through the fall so the amount saved could be sizable. 

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5 Steps to Building Resiliency During Tough Times

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Colleen Cira

Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.


Talking Points on What Dr. Cira Can Say in an Interview
On Resiliency:

Quite simply, resilience is the ability to overcome adversity and carry on.  Now that doesn’t mean we do it beautifully or perfectly or in some text-book way that doesn’t actually exist or without big feelings, struggles or challenges. It just means that when we get knocked down, we get up again.

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The Promise of Contact Tracing in Public Health

Available for Interviews: Phil Crowley.

Philip P. Crowley, is a dedicated attorney who has been handling legal matters for pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical devices, information technology and other technology companies for over 30 years. He has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship.


What Phil Crowley Can Say in an Interview 
on Contact Tracing:

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the topic of contact tracing has come center stage. The Use of CT technology is promising, indeed, though many issues still need to be explored. 

What Contact Tracing Is

Contact tracing is a multi-step process of (1) identifying those infected with a pathogen, (2) finding out their movements while they were infected, (3) learning the places they have visited and the people with whom they may have come into contact, and (4) alerting those potential contacts of the need to be tested to determine whether they have been infected. Steps after the contact tracing process can include quarantine of those contacts for a period to determine whether they develop symptoms or are assumed to be uninfected or recovered. This can prevent further transmission of the disease.

Continue reading “The Promise of Contact Tracing in Public Health”

Solutions for a Toxic/Racist Workplace Culture

Available for Interviews:Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes, CPM, MBA, is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.


Talking Points from Carol Barkes on what she can say
in an interview :

Employees are no longer allowing their employers to silence them and they’re exposing their workplace for the toxic/racist cultures that they may breed. What can companies learn from these scandals so that they can start working on fixing their behaviors/cultures now? Here are 5 strategies to addressing toxicity in the workplace:

1) Communication is key. Having an environment that encourages open and honest dialog allows employees (over time) to trust they can speak without negative repercussions. This environment often helps companies identify blind spots as employees feel safer to speak out about issues and concerns.

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The Down and Dirty of Wearing Masks: 4 Tips to Avoid of “Maskne”

Available for Interviews: Dr. Reagan B. Anderson

Dr. Anderson is the author of Universal Death Care: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement. Dr. Anderson was a combat doctor in Iraq, and has since run a successful medical clinic in the U.S. He wrote this book because he is tired of profit-driven policies that don’t support American’s health. For this reason, Anderson has dedicated his life to changing healthcare in America.


What Dr. Anderson Can Say in
an Interview on Maskne

Face masks help slow the spread of COVID-19 but they can contribute to other problems like worsening of acne and rosacea. This occurs because of increased moisture in the area under the mask, mechanical friction of the mask on the face, and masks that are too dirty. This happens mostly in people who are prone to these skin eruptions in the first place. Here are 4 easy ways to combat these problems:

Continue reading “The Down and Dirty of Wearing Masks: 4 Tips to Avoid of “Maskne””

4 Common Signs of Menopause

Available for Interviews: Dr. Eldred Taylor

Interview Dr. Eldred Taylor to answer all of your women’s health questions regarding hormonal imbalances and how to correct them. Dr. Taylor is a leader in the hormone industry and is passionate about helping women while using a holistic functional medicine approach.

What Dr. Taylor can say in an interview on Menopause:

When hormone imbalances are corrected women are relieved. In a segment on menopause learn specific natural treatments that are available to treat these symptoms. Knowing what the most common signs of menopause are is the first step to treatment of uncomfortable symptoms.

Continue reading “4 Common Signs of Menopause”

How to Use Your Intuition During Tough Times

Available for Interviews: Ron Karr

Ron Karr is a Leadership and Influence Expert who presents to organizations worldwide and coaches CEO’s and Leadership Teams. He is the creator of the Velocity Mindset® and author of the CEO Bestselling Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way.


Story Pitch:
How to Use Your Intuition During Tough Times

You have greater velocity in life if you pause.  In this case, we pause to listen to ourselves.

Continue reading “How to Use Your Intuition During Tough Times”

Should Politics Play a Role in Science? (and CDC Protocols)

Available for Interviews: Dr. Reagan B. Anderson

Dr. Anderson is the author of Universal Death Care: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement. Dr. Anderson was a combat doctor in Iraq, and has since run a successful medical clinic in the U.S. He wrote this book because he is tired of profit-driven policies that don’t support American’s health. For this reason, Anderson has dedicated his life to changing healthcare in America.


What Dr. Anderson can say in an interview:

Should Politics Play a Role in Science? No, says a prominent doctor. This is how we lose this war.

We Must Treat CV-19 Like World War III—This Is How We Win

Available for Interviews: Ron Karr

Ron Karr is a Leadership and Influence Expert who presents to organizations worldwide and coaches CEO’s and Leadership Teams. He is the creator of the Velocity Mindset® and author of the CEO Bestselling Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way. Karr is passionate about leadership in America and its ability to heal our current challenges.


Talking Points from Ron Karr on
How to Unify the Country and
Win the War on COVID-19: 

During WWII, we came together as a country. This is our strength and a blueprint for winning against the COVID enemy that is hurting every country.

  • It is different than the first two world wars; In the first two world wars we saw the common enemy, and we could see who they were, and we knew who we were shooting at. 

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How People Can Manage Their Biases

Available for Interviews: Carol Barkes


Carol Barkes, CPM, MBA, is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.


Talking Points from Carol Barkes on what she can say
in an interview about Biases: