7 Commandments to Attaining Your Fitness Resolutions

Available for Interviews: Raphael Velazquez

Raphael Velazquez, NSCA CSCS, is the founder of VELA, and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, celebrity trainer, and body transformation expert. He is also the author of Core Fitness: Your Best Shape, Looking and Feeling Great.

What Raphael Velazquez can say in an interview on
Attaining Your Fitness Resolutions:

Commandment #1: You shall set goals | It is important to set goals on your fitness journey. Being precise on what it is you’re looking to achieve (and when) allows you to have clarity on whether you achieved your goal or did not.

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Smooth Travel Tips Post COVID

Available for Interviews: Carol Barkes

Carol Barkes is a conflict resolution expert, mediator, national speaker, educator and bestselling author who uniquely applies neuroscience to the fields of conflict resolution and negotiations. Her expert perspective is always fresh and relevant.

What Carol Barkes can say in an interview about Traveling Post COVID:

    •  Remember everyone is tense right now.  Travel personnel has been largely out of business for a while and the new increase in business means there is a lot to learn and get reacquainted with. Likewise, the new rules are stressful to travelers so everyone has flight-fight-freeze reactions more regularly. 

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3 Health Tips for COVID Long-Haulers

Available for Interviews: Dr. Alice Fong

Alice Fong, ND, is an integrative naturopathic doctor specializing in stress, integrative medicine, diet & weight loss, and is a business growth consultant for holistic healthcare providers.

What Dr. Alice Fong can say in an interview
on COVID Long-Haulers

One of the many things we have come to learn about COVID, is that some people who have overcome the virus, still experience symptoms of the illness weeks and even months after having it—referred to as long-haulers. Here are just a few tips that can help alleviate some of the negative effects:

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How Physician Burnout Could Cost You Your Life and Theirs

Available for Interviews: Dr. Reagan B. Anderson

Dr. Anderson is the author of Universal Death Care: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement. Dr. Anderson was a combat doctor in Iraq, and has since run a successful medical clinic in the U.S. He wrote this book because he is tired of profit-driven policies that don’t support American’s health. For this reason, Anderson has dedicated his life to changing healthcare in America.


What Dr. Anderson Can Say in
an Interview on Physician Burnout

If physicians weren’t already burned out, the pandemic has amplified the situation of extremely weary doctors across the United States.

      • About 50% of physicians are burnt out.
      • Signs of burnout: physical and emotional fatigue, cynicism and detachment, feelings of ineffectiveness and a lack of accomplishment

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American Rescue Plan Includes Home Health Care

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Cleamon Moorer, Jr.

Cleamon Moorer, Jr., DBA, is President and CEO, American Advantage Home Care, Inc. His home healthcare agency has served thousands of patients all throughout Metro Detroit. He is also the bestselling author of From Failure to Promise: 360 Degrees.

What Dr. Moorer can say in an interview about
American Rescue Plan and Home Health Care:

The American Rescue Plan was recently passed in Washington, providing a 1.9 trillion to Coronavirus relief package for the United States. It will likely positively affect home-based care organizations and other providers caring for seriously ill populations.

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How Billions of Dollars Are Lost Each Year Due to Miscommunication

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Kelly Waltman

Kelly Waltman, PhD, is the Founder and CEO of SLR Leadership Consultion, LLC. She is also the author of Elevate Connection: Cutivate and Engaged, Inspired, Productive and Profitable Team Culture.

What Dr. Kelly Waltman can say in an interview
on Miscommunication

    • Research has demonstrated that the average cost of employee turnover ranges anywhere from a modest estimate of $15,000 per employee to $35,000 per employee—with the cost of turnover increasing as the employee’s job level and salary increase.

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How Germaphobia Will Weaken Us in the Long Run

Available for Interviews: Dr. Michael Evangel

Dr. Michael S. Evangel, Chiropractic Physician, is the owner of the Chiropractic Wellness Center in Paramus, NJ. For over 30 years, his mission is to provide state of the art, high-quality care to people of all ages. 


Talking Points from Michael Evangel on
Germs, the Mircobiome, and Our Immune System :

Almost overnight, COVID-19 turned the United States into a nation of germaphobes. After all, you won’t lose a fight that you are not in!

Did you ever notice that the parents who are the most cautious about their children being exposed to pathogens often have some of the sickest children? These parents get very frustrated because they wash and sanitize everything that their children come in contact with, and they’re are still getting sick!

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The Shocking Truth… Most Wealthy People Do Have Debt!

Available for Interviews: Lauren Oschman

Lauren Oschman, CFP® is a certified financial planner specializing in financial strategies, tax planning, and is an expert in helping physicians manage their finances.

What Lauren Oschman can say in an interview on
Debt Strategies of the Wealthy:

Wealthy have debt. They just plan and use their money differently.

      • Public opinion puts a lot of emphasis on being debt-free, but interestingly when you look at many wealthy and financially successful people’s balance sheets, they DO have debt, and sometimes lots of it! 
      • The secret to wealth doesn’t lie in being debt-free, but rather in using each dollar to accomplish its most valuable purpose. 

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5 Money Saving Tips for Your Children’s 529 Plan

Available for Interviews: Lauren Moone

Lauren Moone is an Executive Vice President at Mirador Capital Partners and has been providing investment advice for individuals, families, and institutions for over 13 years.


What Lauren Moone can say in an interview
About 529 Plans:

You might think all 529 plans are the same.
This can be a costly mistake. 

529 Plans are tax-advantaged savings vehicles that allow families to put money away for K-12 and college. Money in the plan will grow tax-free until it is needed for education expenses such as tuition, room and board, computers, and textbooks. Here are five tips you can use to maximize the balance in your children’s account.

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4 Things Parents Should Avoid With Their Kids

Available for Interviews: Colleen Cira, Psy.D.

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.

What Dr. Cira Can Say in an Interview on Raising Children:

  1. Do not make your children your life. This may sound crazy because for most of us parents, we often feel like our children ARE our life, but here’s the problem. When we build our life around every aspect of our children—their desires, their hobbies, their opinions—several negative things tend to happen: a) we neglect our our own needs; b) we neglect our partner/relationship/marriage; c) we teach our children that the world revolves around them. Of course we want to prioritize quality time with our kids and carve out time in our schedules to support them in things that interest them, but please: also make them go to the grocery store, also keep up with your own interests/hobbies and also continue to spend quality time with your partner.
    Continue reading “4 Things Parents Should Avoid With Their Kids”