Available for Interviews: Dr. Tammy Penhollow
Dr. Tammy Penhollow is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, specializing in anesthesiology, pain management, and regenerative medicine. Having over 20 years of experience has helped her to cultivate a passion for regenerative medicine and holistic healing. Dr. Penhollow practices at Precision Regenerative Medicine in the greater Phoenix area.
What Dr. Tammy Penhollow can say in an interview on
How to Prevent a New Year’s Hangover:
So many myths abound about how to treat a hangover, unfortunately, nothing is really tried and true. No scientific evidence exists to back all the claims on hangover treatments. The real “treatment” is prevention. The most obvious prevention is to completely abstain or significantly moderate the alcohol intake. Set a limit and stick to it.
Other prevention strategies include:
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