Are Women Allowed to Be Angry?

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, so she has worked with hundreds of people struggling with a family of origin issues.

Here are some few things Dr. Cira can say on this topic:

  • Men and women alike have been shaming women for their anger since the dawn of time.  You can primarily blame it on rigid and deeply ingrained gender roles in which women are encouraged and molded to be “nice” at all costs.  And anger isn’t always nice!
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What Makes Employees Fully Engaged at Work?

Years ago, people would get a job and stay with it for years; possibly until retirement.  Today, we live in a much different environment where employees look for jobs that align with their values and easily move to other companies, if the environment doesn’t suit them.  Consequently, it is not unusual to see employees change jobs as regularly as every couple of years, if not more frequently. On the flip side, some employees stay in their positions but lose their passion for performing at peak levels gradually over time.  So what are some things employers can do to keep employees engaged and dedicated to their organization?

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Anxiety & Gender: Ways Women and Men Experience Anxiety Differently

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, so she has worked with hundreds of people struggling with a family of origin issues.

Here are some few things that she can say on the topic:

There are basic anxiety symptoms that form the core of anxiety that does not change as a whole much based on gender.

These include: Worry that feels excessive and out of the person’s control, irritability, racing thoughts, and fatigue along with more physical symptoms including some combination of muscle tension, headaches, GI upset, etc.


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