Money: Should You Dial Back Your Financial Risk?

Available for Interviews: Lauren Oschman

Lauren Oschman, CFP® is a certified financial planner specializing in financial strategies, tax planning, and is an expert in helping physicians manage their finances.

What Lauren Oschman can say in an interview on
Managing Your Financial Risk:

  • 2020 was a wild ride in the markets. I’m talking with investors of two minds right now: One, that the volatility is just too much and they would rather sit out of the market until things calm down; and two, that the market is on such a rise post-election that they have missed the possibility for further gains and shouldn’t invest more cash right now.

  • Be sure you have a good cash reserve (3–6 months of fixed expenses) and if you aren’t saving beyond that for a major purchase, investors shouldn’t feel the need to “time” their investing based on current volatility. 
  • If the volatility makes you nervous, you should really be looking at the risk you are taking in your portfolio. While many believe that age should be the biggest determinant of how much risk you take, even most younger investors are surprised to find that a moderate risk portfolio will get them the results they require to reach their long-term goals. 
  • You can also reduce your risk while maintaining a similar percentage of stock exposure by diversifying what you buy. Rather than buying all S&P 500 funds, buy a mix of international/US, small/large, growth/value and be sure your funds own lots of companies. That can reduce your risk while giving you exposure to similar returns. 
  • After considering the above adjustments, you can feel confident moving forward that you are in a good position to weather 2021 and beyond. 


Interview: Lauren Oschman

Lauren Oschman, CFP® is a financial advisor for some of the nation’s highest caliber physicians. She holds an economics degree from Vanderbilt University and completed her financial training at Emerson University. Along with these prestigious degrees, Oschman has over a decade of expertise in financial matters for high net worth individuals. 

Oschman delivers financial education programs to medical residents & fellows nationwide (Vanderbilt, Dartmouth, Rush, OrthoCarolina and many others), has built a $1 million revenue financial planning business, and co-founded Vestia Personal Wealth Advisors, and is an expert in helping physicians attain their financial goals—and has a niche passion for working with high-caliber female surgeons, and volunteers as a CFP® WIN (Women’s Initiative) Advocate to raise awareness about the profession for young women.

Her decade-long experience as an accomplished financial advisor and executive has led to her being a sought-after speaker for financial workshops throughout Alabama, Georgia—and Tennessee, where she has happily resided with her husband and two young children.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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