How Should We React When the Markets Are Up?

Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen

Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.


Talking Points / What Harry Abramhamsen is advising his clients:

1. People should be locking in their gains and proceed with caution especially if they are thinking about retiring.

2. Play with house money, not your nest egg.

3. Open a Roth IRA and put $1,000 into crypto .

4/05/21 Investor’s Business Daily Article:

Dow Jones Soars 400 Points To New High As Microsoft Jumps; Stocks Rally On Jobs Report


Interview: Harry Abrahamsen

Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. He has been quoted in numerous national publications, such as Forbes, On Wall Street, Financial Planning, Bottom Line Personal, Smart Money and cited in the Encyclopedia Britannica. An independent research firm has selected Harry James Abrahamsen as “The 10 Most Dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic” published in the Forbes December 2007 issue Investment Guide. Harry Abrahamsen has five children and resides in New Jersey.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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