Interview Kathleen Owings.
Kathleen Owings, a Financial Advisor and Principal Owners of Westbilt Financial Group, has had first-hand experience of living through a recession at a young age—all the more for making her the wise and successful asset manager she is today.
Talking points that Kathleen Owings can expand
on her experience of living through a recession:
- During the summer, some financial analysts predicted a 50/50 chance of America falling into a recession. Over the last couple of weeks, tensions have eased to around 25%. Preparation and protection is essential in the unfortunate possibility of a recession.
- I have lived through two recessions in my adult lifetime: the Dot-Com Bubble Bust of 2001 and the Great Recession of 2008-2009.
- Both of those recessions were at very pivotal times in my life. The first occurred when I started investing in the stock market upon graduation from college, and the latter recession occurred when I started my career in the financial services industry in 2007.
- I learned a lot about behaviors of investors both through my own actions and the actions of others.
- I learned to stay invested in the market and sticking to a disciplined plan is best in the long run.
- Recessions do not feel good—and many believe the sky is falling—but if one is disciplined in their behavior, then riding out the recession is the best strategy you can employ in the financial field.
- Right now we are living through the longest bull run in market history, so I do think it is a great time for investors to reevaluate their current investment plan and strategy to see how they could withstand a recession or correction of any type.
- Proper planning before a recession is key. If you are close to retirement, perhaps you want to have a good portion of money into savings or a money market account to prepare for withdrawals when the market is down.
Available for Interviews: Kathleen E. Owings.
Kathleen E. Owings was named one of the 4 Under 40 in 2018, a prestigious award given by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors to only four young advisors in the country. Kathleen manages assets for individuals, families, and businesses to the highest standards of fiduciary duty.
Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.