Smoking Cannabis May Increase Your Risks in COVID-19

Available for Interviews: Dr. Tammy Penhollow

Dr. Tammy Penhollow is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, specializing in anesthesiology, pain management, and regenerative medicine. Having over 20 years of experience has helped her to cultivate a passion for regenerative medicine and holistic healing. Dr. Penhollow practices at Precision Regenerative Medicine in the greater Phoenix area.


Talking Points from Dr. Tammy Penhollow on
Reasons Why Smoking Cannabis May Increase COVID-19 Risks:

If you don’t smoke cannabis, now is not the time to start. If you smoke it recreationally, now may be the time to stop, given the increased risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms and possibly confounding the diagnosis.

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There’s No Such Thing as a Flu Season …

It’s a Not Taking Care of Yourself Season …What to do to avoid the flu

Interview one of our doctors on this topic:

What one of our health/wellness doctors can say:

-There is so much fear around the flu.  Why is there so much fear around it? There are always numbers around how many people die. Often it’s really other complications, not the flu.

Continue reading “There’s No Such Thing as a Flu Season …”