Interview Phil Crowley.
Philip P. Crowley, is a dedicated attorney who has been handling legal matters for pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical devices, information technology and other technology companies for over 30 years. He has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship.
Talking Points from Phil Crowley
on Myths About Lawyers & Billing Rates
(and Hiring Lawyers):
Business owners sometimes believe that legal costs are completely uncontrollable. That’s not true. Just as for other costs of the business having a plan and procedures in place to engage counsel can pay huge dividends.
- Realize that some firms are willing to price services on a fixed-fee or “not-to-exceed” basis if the project, or at least part of the project, can be well defined.
- Have a set of billing guidelines on what is acceptable behavior (e.g., no first-class airfare, expenses above a certain amount must be pre-approved, limits on billing for in-office discussions among attorneys, etc.)
- Have an experienced counsel as a regular advisor to help you identify and eliminate unwanted risks and liabilities, and to negotiate with and manage specialty counsel when you need extra legal help.
- Realize that it’s important to find a lawyer with experience in the areas in which you need help—not a “Jack of All Trades”—and one whose personality and communication style connects with yours.
- Having periodic “legal risk audits” of your operations can actually save you money in identifying potential problems while you have time to manage and correct them.
Available for Interviews: Phil Crowley.
Philip P. Crowley is an attorney for over 30 years who is passionate about helping grow technology companies seize opportunities and avoid expensive legal mistakes as they make ideas come to fruition. Mr. Crowley has also spent nearly 25 years on the board of trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, with substantial involvement in the oversight of academic innovation and entrepreneurship. He is the Managing Partner at the Law Office of Philip P. Crowley, LLC. Visit Phil Crowley on the web at
Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success in Media, Inc.