Available for Interviews: Chris Janeway
Chris Janeway is Founder & CEO Fourth Point Wealth and coaches investors throughout southern CA. He is also a national speaker, financial coach, and advocate for financial literacy.
What Chris Janeway can say in an interview about
Mistakes People Make With Money During the Holiday Season:
1. LACK OF A BUDGET. It sounds so simple but going into the holiday season with a plan is half of the battle. It’s so easy to get caught up in the gift shopping, parties, etc., that we don’t realize how much these add up. I’m guilty of it myself. It’s been more than one year that I think my wife’s stocking stuffers ended up costing more than her gift because I got swept up in wanting to make things special. You need to have a budget for the season and for each gift. The other half of the battle is actually sticking to the budget. Whether it’s guilt or competition, we often lose discipline and overspend, even when we HAD a plan. Be firm with your plan. If you go over, you’re stealing from some other goal in your or your family’s life.
2. GETTING CAUGHT UP IN THE “DEAL.” Black Friday is approaching quickly. Suddenly we all feel this urge to race out and get the best deal on a major purchase. Be careful not to break your budget here, just because something is on sale. Even at 50% off, if I can’t afford it, I shouldn’t buy it. Additionally, the urgency created by the Black Friday deals and the like is often not real. Those discounts are there to stay or can be found elsewhere more often than not.
3. BAD CREDIT CHOICES. DON’T carry the balance on your credit card. That great deal you found on a new flatscreen isn’t as great when you’re paying 15%-20% interest on a credit card. Treat that credit card like a debit card and make sure you can pay it off in full. Be wary of retail store credit card deals during the holidays. Offers for a discount or some special financing aren’t worth the credit inquiry, often higher interest rates, and inability to use that card anywhere else. These cards are impulse decisions and there’s no room for impulse when your family’s credit is on the line. Make sure you have a plan for each dollar.
Interviews: Chris Janeway
Chris Janeway is Founder & CEO Fourth Point Wealth, a wealth management and coaching firm which manages over $100 million, helping families build confidence and grow their wealth.
Chris founded Fourth Point Wealth to fix the broken investor experience. Chris works with individuals and organizations who value collaboration with a financial coach, and he’s developed a process that helps investors identify their goals, pinpoint gaps, and truly understand their wealth. Chris is passionate about client education and believes that, through a clear focus on coaching, investors are more likely to remain confident and committed to their long-term plan and avoid common imprudent decisions that damage our financial future.
When Chris is away from the office, he loves to golf, coach youth sports, and enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife, Katy, and their sons, Brennan and Graham.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.