COVID and Gatherings: 5 Ways to Safely Enjoy Thanksgiving

Available for Interviews: Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine physician, a work-life integration researcher, and an international expert on mind-body-spirit connection. She is also an international speaker and bestselling author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity.

What Dr. Dalton-Smith  Can Say in an Interview on:
COVID and Gatherings: 5 Ways to Safely Enjoy Thanksgiving
(based on updated CDC guidelines):

  1. Keep it small and local. Limit the number of guests. Consider only inviting close family members, with whom you have regular contact. Avoid inviting family from other locations, particularly from areas with known elevations in COVID cases. Practice social distancing and mask-wearing.
  2. Single contact plate and serve. There should be no passing of the mash potatoes at this year’s events. Limit the number of people who must touch plates and serving utensils by designating a single, mask-wearing person to plate and serve the food on Thanksgiving. The smaller number of guests will help make this a more doable task for the cook.

Continue reading “COVID and Gatherings: 5 Ways to Safely Enjoy Thanksgiving”

4 Things You Must Consider When Traveling Right Now

Available for Interviews: Dr. Tammy Penhollow

Dr. Tammy Penhollow is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, specializing in anesthesiology, pain management, and regenerative medicine. Having over 20 years of experience has helped her to cultivate a passion for regenerative medicine and holistic healing. Dr. Penhollow practices at Precision Regenerative Medicine in the greater Phoenix area.

What Dr. Tammy Penhollow can say in an interview on
Traveling During the Pandemic

Traveling during the pandemic. What a dilemma! While no travel plan is risk-free, some modes of travel and specific choices throughout the travel can reduce risk. Five ways to stay safer include:

  1. Travel by Car. Avoiding public transportation including trains, buses, planes because it reduces exposure to both other people and relying upon air exchange and filtration issues, as well as non-compliance by other passengers.  
  2. Take a Day Trip. Consider a day trip where you return back to your home at the end of the day. Leave early, arrive home late, sleep in your own bed to avoid any concerns for the cleanliness of the hotel, AirBnB, etc. 

Continue reading “4 Things You Must Consider When Traveling Right Now”

Prevent the Spread of COVID This Winter With These New Gloves

Available for Interviews: Leonard Butterman

Leonard Butterman is the President of BioSafe Gloves, LLC. Right now we have face masks and rubber gloves for safety but there’s a big problem. Neither kills viruses. In fact, the gloves people use now just move viruses and bacteria around. There is a new tool on the market, BioSafe Gloves. These gloves kill viruses.

[Full News Release]

What Leonard Butterman can say in an interview:

Now is not the time to relax your preventative measures during this second wave. Even though people are Covid weary, you still need to fight and keep your guard up. 

Continue reading “Prevent the Spread of COVID This Winter With These New Gloves”

How to Plan a Trip During the Holiday Season (or Not)

Available for Interviews:  Christopher Elliott

Christopher Elliott is an author, advocate, and journalist. He writes six weekly columns about customer service, with a special emphasis on travel and technology. His work reaches more than 10 million readers a week. You
have likely read his work in USA Today or Forbes.

What Travel Expert and Consumer Advocate, Christopher Elliot,
could say about traveling during this year’s holiday season:

“Want to plan a trip for the holidays?
Prepare yourself—because this holiday travel season will be like none other in recent memory.”  –Chris Elliott

Continue reading “How to Plan a Trip During the Holiday Season (or Not)”

Politicians “Spinning” Science as the Virus Spreads

Available for Interviews: Dr. Reagan B. Anderson

Dr. Anderson is the author of Universal Death Care: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement. Dr. Anderson was a combat doctor in Iraq, and has since run a successful medical clinic in the U.S. He wrote this book because he is tired of profit-driven policies that don’t support American’s health. For this reason, Anderson has dedicated his life to changing healthcare in America.

What Dr. Anderson Can Say in
an Interview

Top Trump administration officials were said to have pressured the C.D.C. to recommend narrower criteria for who should be tested for the virus.

  • Widespread testing for COVID is one of the most pivotal measures that must be taken in order to isolate those who are capable of spreading the infection and to flatten the curve.

Continue reading “Politicians “Spinning” Science as the Virus Spreads”

Avoid the COVID Scare: How to Be Extra Safe This Halloween

Available for Interviews: Leonard Butterman

Leonard Butterman is the President of BioSafe Gloves, LLC. Right now we have face masks and rubber gloves for safety but there’s a big problem. Neither kills viruses. In fact, the gloves people use now just move viruses and bacteria around. There is a new tool on the market, BioSafe Gloves. These gloves kill viruses.

Don’t let Covid-19 Germs Stop You From Voting! Make Your Vote Count Safely

Available for Interviews: Leonard Butterman

Leonard Butterman is the President of BioSafe Gloves, LLC. Right now we have face masks and rubber gloves for safety but there’s a big problem. Neither kills viruses. In fact, the gloves people use now just move viruses and bacteria around. There is a new tool on the market, BioSafe Gloves. These gloves kill viruses.

Full release.

Safely vote this year! Along with wearing a face mask, simply wearing these reusable/disposable gloves will make your trip to the voting booth both safe and COVID anxiety-free.

Continue reading “Don’t let Covid-19 Germs Stop You From Voting! Make Your Vote Count Safely”

The Truth About Gloves and COVID-19

Available for Interviews: Leonard Butterman

Leonard Butterman is the President of BioSafe Gloves, LLC. Right now we have face masks and rubber gloves for safety but there’s a big problem. Neither kills viruses. In fact, the gloves people use now just move viruses and bacteria around. There is a new tool on the market, BioSafe Gloves. These gloves kill viruses.

Contactless Holiday Shopping Is Convenient and Can Save Lives

Available for Interviews: Jason Wolfe

Jason Wolfe is the CEO/Founder of Wolfe now runs, an exciting, new way to send gifts to the people we care about. GiftYa is like Venmo of Gifting. Sending Gift Cards, are old, impersonal, and out-dated. Sending GiftYa by text is new, exciting, can be personalized, can never be lost, and wont lose value.

“To help fight disease transmission, retailers are also encouraging consumers to use low-touch or no-touch forms of payment whenever possible.” –Jason Wolfe

From the creators of GiftYa, learn how to use these 4 easy ways to shop safely while making payments electronically during the pandemic.

Continue reading “Contactless Holiday Shopping Is Convenient and Can Save Lives”

Lessons From the 2008 Financial Crisis That Can Help Us Now 

Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen

Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.


What Harry Abramhamsen can say in an interview about
Lessons Learned From the 2008 Financial Crisis:

Isn’t it amazing what’s happening in the markets in 2020? How is our country going to deal with all of this? How many times will Americans be okay with losing 30, 50 or even 70 percent of what they’ve made to Wall Street before they finally say enough is enough? Doesn’t it usually happen about every six to eight years? 

Continue reading “Lessons From the 2008 Financial Crisis That Can Help Us Now “