Available for Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen
Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. His company offers customized wealth management solutions—creating plans and portfolios that protect, preserve, and grow client’s wealth. He was selected as one of the ten most dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic as published in Forbes magazine.
What Harry Abramhamsen can say in an interview about
Retirement Planning Post-Pandemic:
- Forced into early retirement? What should you do? It is important to seek new employment. Example: Take a top executive in PepsiCo who lost her job. She was in her late 50s. She worked with headhunters and did a lot of daily networking. Fortunately, she landed a great job.
- When you do secure a new job. If you finally get a new job, make sure that you do not roll your previous 401 (k) into your new employer’s retirement plan. The main reason is that you have more options with an IRA than a 401 (k)—more investment choices and you can also take advantage of IRC 72 (t), which is a penalty-free distribution and is only taxable at ordinary income tax rates. If you are out of work and have a sizable 401 (k) plan, you can decide if the 72 (t) distribution can help pay some of your short-term bills while you are seeking employment. This distribution can potentially be used to pay a monthly mortgage.
- Every cloud has a silver lining. Change is not something most people are comfortable with, but change allows new things to come into your life. It is important to make sure that your finances are in order because these types of black swan events happen all the time. It is not a matter of if, but when.
- Financial advisors are key. If you are not working, it is crucial to take control of your finances and seek out professional financial advice to make the best decisions that will help make your retirement more secure.
Interviews: Harry Abrahamsen
Harry J. Abrahamsen is Founder & CEO Abrahamsen Financial Group. He has been quoted in numerous national publications, such as Forbes, On Wall Street, Financial Planning, Bottom Line Personal, Smart Money, and cited in the Encyclopedia Britannica. An independent research firm has selected Harry James Abrahamsen as “The 10 Most Dependable Wealth Managers in the Mid-Atlantic” published in the Forbes December 2007 issue Investment Guide. Harry Abrahamsen has five children and resides in New Jersey.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.