Identifying “Emotional Complexity” in Our Loved Ones

Available for Interviews:  Dr. Colleen Cira

Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.

What Dr. Cira Can Say in an Interview
About Emotional Complexity

Does Your Significant Other or Loved One Have

If your significant other or loved one is dealing with this, you need to learn about it so you can be best equipped with dealing/working with them.

Emotionally complexity can mean a lot of things, but generally, it can be understood as someone who is difficult to predict how they will feel, think, behave or react.  Your partner may be emotionally complex if they:

Continue reading “Identifying “Emotional Complexity” in Our Loved Ones”

Winter Mental Health Survival Tips

Interview with Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, so she has worked with hundreds of people struggling with a family of origin issues.

Talking Points from Dr. Cira
On Holiday Survival Tips:

  • Know your limits! We all have a tendency to go on auto-pilot from time to time, especially when we’re stressed out and/or are limited on our emotional bandwidth. So wake up and check yourself! How are you feeling about spending time with your family? What can you handle? What would feel good versus simply obligatory? Once you do that, you can set yourself up for more success and Holiday happiness 🙂 Continue reading “Winter Mental Health Survival Tips”