Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton
Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion is also the author of two books, Transformation Is a Mindset: The Journey to Changing Your Input and Your World and And the Best Diet Is . . . .
What Dr. Hamilton could say on
COVID and Weight Gain:
1) Covid showed us our health weaknesses.
Will we address them post-COVID? Probably not.
- The US takes up 4% of the global healthcare expenditure but compromised 25% of the total covid deaths, revealing just how sick many Americans are.
- The lack of access for patients during covid showed the flaws in the fee-for-service healthcare system.
- The pandemic also revealed the health disparities among certain groups in our country and that socioeconomic factors play a role in health status.
- We need to consider public health care for better treatment of chronic diseases.
- We need to improve access to health care with ongoing telemedicine.
2) Obesity was identified as the greatest risk factor for severe illness in people with COVID.
Factors important to consider in why being obese can lead to severe illness and a higher likelihood of death from COVID are:
- An abundance of ACE2 receptors
- An abundance of adipose tissue (fat) cause more access to viral entry
- Inhibition of anti-inflammatory markers and promotion of inflammatory markers
3) Social factors are at play.
Patients with obesity tend to be more socially isolated due to weight stigma.
Solutions: Better nutrition- promoting protein with every meal, promoting physical activity
- intermittent fasting
- to reduce an oxidative or proinflammatory state by improving glucose homeostasis
- better stress management
- these must-have vitamins to help combat viruses:
vitamin D, C, melatonin at night, B-complex, and glutathione
Recent Article on This Topic:
A Complex Interplay: COVID-19 and Obesity
Interview: Dr. Franchell Hamilton
Dr. Hamilton is a Triads Award-Winning, Board Certified Surgeon, who gave up operating on the stomach to operating on the mind to treat chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes. She is the author of two books, Transformation is a mindset: The Journey to Changing Your Input and Your World and And the Best Diet Is . . . , and now educates other providers around the world on what she discovered in her practice through her master class.
Dr. Hamilton is passionate about helping to change the lives of those she meets through practicing medicine and consulting. As a once practicing bariatric surgeon, Dr. Hamilton has firsthand experience addressing the challenges and pain points of patients being treated for cardiometabolic diseases. She founded NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss—a place for her patients to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy.
Dr. Hamilton is a podcast host on Your Health Transformed that discusses a variety of popular and innovative health topics to challenge our current way of thinking about medicine.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.