If you’re like me, then being over $20k in credit card debt can become strangling. My minimum payments were $896 and I knew something needed to change.
Take charge of the situation by following the 4-step C.A.R.E. method:
1. Choose. The first step is to choose a deep, emotional reason for why you want to get out of debt.
2. Assess. You can’tt defeat a monster you can’t see. You need to get your exact debt picture in black and white in front of you—down to the last dollar.
3. Refuse. Don’t accept the status quo. Unsecured debts, like credit cards, can be restructured and negotiated. You can negotiate interest rates down, waive late fees, and even settle debts yourself—or have a professional fight on your behalf.
4. Engage. Now that you have a reason and a plan, it’s time to lean in and get intense and aggressive about getting out of debt. Everything from lowering expenses, increasing income, and what to do about things like cars, all need plans.
Following the 4-step C.A.R.E. method gives people the tools and plan to break free of the minimum payment trap and get on the road to a debt-free future.
Available for Interviews: Michael Taggart
Michael Taggart is the co-founder of DebtReliefCenter.org, author of “Goodbye Debt, Hello Future,” and has been helping people get relief from debt and avoid bankruptcy for over a decade. In 2018 alone, he helped 321,611 people with plans for how to overcome $10,008,814,180.00 in debt. He is a devoted husband and father who is passionate about helping people and families create a better financial future for themselves.
Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.