Available for Interviews:
Dr. Karyn Eilber, Dr. Jennifer Anger, Dr. Victoria Scott
Interview one or all of the “Down There Doctors.” Dr. Eilber, Dr. Anger, and Dr. Scott are a team of urogynecologists and a powerful resource for all things people are generally hesitant to discuss. They are also the authors of the newly released book, A Woman’s Guide to Her Pelvic Floor: What the F*@# Is Going on Down There?
What the Doctors Can Say about
the Importance of Kegal Exercises:
Kegel exercises, which are also called pelvic floor exercises, can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by supporting the organs in the pelvis, like your bladder, bowel, and vagina, and assist in various bodily functions.
- Kegel Exercises really are important: The tighter and stronger, the better. While a strong pelvic floor is very important for supporting your pelvic organs and preventing accidental loss of urine, stool, and gas, ensuring you know how to relax your pelvic floor is equally important! Know how to do your kegel exercises, but also how to use diaphragmatic breathing to relax it.
- You may think that your incontinence should improve if you do Kegel exercises for a few weeks and then stop. Do your sets of 10 kegels three to five times per day, and don’t stop! The pelvic floor is like any other muscle; you lose strength and tone when you stop working out. Integrate Kegels into your daily routines so you don’t even have to think about them—while brushing your teeth, eating lunch, sitting at your desk, or sitting at stoplights.
- Should one try doing Kegel exercises while peeing? When you are first learning how to do Kegels, it can be helpful to try to stop your stream to identify the muscles and how to contract them, but don’t routinely do your Kegels while peeing because this can cause bladder dysfunction. The healthy way to pee is to keep your pelvic floor relaxed.
- If Kegel exercises don’t help your pelvic floor issues, you may need surgery. Sometimes women can benefit from a personal trainer for their pelvic floor: a pelvic floor physical therapist. These physical therapists specialize in treating problems with the pelvic floor muscles, and can help ensure you are doing your exercises correctly, and provide other tools and exercises that may help treat your pelvic floor conditions.
- Kegel exercises help prevent urinary incontinence. They help prevent the loss of urine, stool, and gas. They help support your pelvic organs and prevent them from falling down into the vagina (pelvic organ prolapse), AND they can help improve sexual function too. This easy exercise has SO many benefits that won’t even make you sweat.
Interview: Dr. Karyn Eilber, Dr. Victoria Scott, Dr. Jennifer Anger
Dr. Eilber, Dr. Anger, and Dr. Scott are the “Down There Doctors,” who are a team of urogynecologists and are a powerful resource for all things people are generally hesitant to talk about. They are also the authors of the newly released book, A Woman’s Guide to Her Pelvic Floor: Watt the F*@# Is Going on Down There?
They are urogynecologists committed to improving women’s lives by providing education and treatment for pelvic health problems. They are moms, wives, wellness experts, and surgeons who are passionate about using evidence-based medicine, holistic approaches, and our combined 50 years of experience to motivate and empower women with knowledge and control over what is going on down there!
The Down There Doctors wrote this book because they felt it was long overdue and felt women shouldn’t have to figure out many difficult things on their own.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.