Available for Interviews: Teddi Ann Barry
Teddi Ann Barry, Esq. is a family attorney and writer and has been serving families through divorce and custody and has been practicing family law for over twenty years, and also comes with a wealth of experience in mediation and collaborative law.
What Teddi Ann Barry can say in an interview on
The Conflict Between Couples Over the Covid Vaccine:
Though the percentage of Americans who have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is slowly climbing amid the rise of the Delta variant, some have firmly made up their minds not to get the shot. Reasons for refusing the vaccine may vary, but one common byproduct has become clear: seriously strained relationships with loved ones on the other side of the heated moral and ideological debate. (The Guardian, 2021)
- The reality over the fallout concerning the vaccination conflict within families is now being seen in custody cases.
- In the law community, we are seeing that the problems are even deeper than this. Mental health is a component that goes along with this.
- Marriage counselors and mediators should be a part of the conflict resolution mix.
- Counselors and mediators are essential professionals and are best suited to work on problems that go beyond dividing up assets or managing custody issues.
- Seeing a divorce attorney should get the last person an unhappily married person or couple should see. Although extremely challenging, couples need to work through important issues like this and it isn’t easy when emotions run high.
- Let’s go deeper over the vaccine debate: Is this a question of freedom?
Is it healthy? When coping with systemic conflicts with couples, it oftentimes manifests as just something else to argue about. - The pandemic has acerbated existing marriage problems.
Working with an experienced counselor or mediator first and a divorce lawyer last is the best prescription that could help save a couple from adding to the already rising rate of divorce filings during the pandemic.
In the news from The Guardian
Interview: Teddi Ann Barry
Teddi Ann Barry, Esq. is the Founder of Teddi Ann Barry, PSC., and has been an attorney for over twenty years. Other areas of law practiced are mediation and collaborative law. Teddi is based in the Cherry Creek office and practices family law exclusively.
Teddi is a former guardian ad litem and Respondent parents’ counsel, representing the best interests of children placed in the custody of the State and the parents accused of abuse and neglect of their children by the State.
As an alumna of Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska for both her undergraduate and Juris Doctorate degrees, Teddi is proud to have been educated at Creighton University which is one of 28 Jesuit Catholic universities throughout the country, that teaches, among many wonderful values, service. I have been serving others in family law since 2000.
Teddi has been a business owner for over 17 years and continues to build a firm with experienced and well-respected professionals who can offer the highest level of client care, advocacy, skilled negotiation, and litigation if and when absolutely necessary.
Jo Allison
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Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.