Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton
Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weight Loss. Dr. Hamiltion is also the author of the latest book, Curiosity Is the Best Weight Loss Medicine: Observations From a Bariatric Surgeon.
What Dr. Hamilton can say in an Interview on
Obesity & Kids:
- During the pandemic, the national rate of obesity among kids ages 2 to 19 increased to 22.4% in 2020, up from 19.3% in 2019.
- In the U.S., childhood obesity alone is estimated to cost $14 billion annually in direct health expenses.
- This is caused by eating more processed foods and less physical activity, as well as socioeconomic differences.
- Bariatric surgery is becoming more prevalent and a standard in the pediatric population.
- Better nutrition and increased physical activity with parental support remain a must.
- https://stateofchildhoodobesity.org/data/cdc.gov