Available for Interviews: Dr. Travis Parry
Travis Parry, PhD, is a speaker, coach, and educator and has a passion for helping others in achieve a healthy work/life balance. Parry is also the author of the #1 bestseller, Achieving Balance: Make Time to Reach Your Business and Personal Goals in an Overworked World.
What Dr. Parry Can Say in an Interview on Ideal Calendar During COVID :
COVID has turned work/life balance on its head. Financial advisors have struggled with work/life balance before these challenging times—but now with working from home, hybrid work schedules, and working parents at home with kids learning online, it has been wildly exacerbated!
Creating an Ideal Calendar is essential for productivity, but readjusting that with the seasons is crucial for your success.
- Ideal Calendars can help you connect your priorities with your time management plan but they can become obsolete if you don’t update them to match your current circumstances.
- Constant adjustment of your Ideal Calendar can result in the loss of time integrity. An adjustment of the Ideal Calendar should be done roughly each 90 days.
- COVID has been a season that most have had to change their Ideal Calendars very quickly. Most reacted to the change and tried to pivot, but very few changed their Ideal Calendar to be proactive.
- The Season after COVID has given Financial Advisors the opportunity and time to change their Ideal Calendar and focus on helping their clients in a new normal schedule by adjusting to their firms new guidelines and protocols, but also considering their work/life balance goals
Interview: Dr. Travis Parry
Travis Parry, received his masters in psychology and his doctorate in family and human development. He is a speaker, coach, educator, and author of Achieving Balance: Make Time to Reach Your Business and Personal Goals in an Overworked World. Originally started out as a financial advisor twenty years ago, Parry now coaches and speaks in the personal development space, whose primary mission is to help financial professionals and business owners to make healthy relationship and career changes that can positively affect their lives so that they can live with true purpose.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.