Why the Future Workplace Is Not a Place At All

Available for Interviews:  Leni Rivera

Leni Rivera is a Workplace Experience specialist and author of its very first book in the industry, Workplace Experience. Her passion is creating work environments that enable employees to be both productive and happy, regardless of where that is. 

What Leni Rivera can say in an interview
on The Future of the Workplace

    • Working from home is here to stay. And when the pandemic starts to fade, workers will also be working in trains, airports, corporate hotels, and cafes.
    • Corporate offices will form a part of this new “workplace ecosystem,” and become one of the options available for employees to work.
    • As a result, the focus of the future workplace is shifting from where employees work to how they work, and companies will need to direct their resources to ensure their workers have what they need to be productive, engaged, and happy, regardless of where they are.


Interview: Leni Rivera

Leni Rivera is a Workplace Experience specialist and author of its very first book in the industry. Her passion is creating work environments that enable employees to be both productive and happy, regardless of where that is.

With a 20-year career spanning three continents and in corporate leadership roles in Interior Design, Real Estate Development, and Global Workplace Services, Leni has the unique ability to understand the impact of a physical environment on employee behavior, and corporate cultures.
Today, as the world begins emerging from the pandemic and organizations start to rethink the future of their workplace, Leni is front and center helping leaders and peers develop a Workplace Experience that drives safety, flexibility, and productivity, allowing employees and businesses to continue to thrive.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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