How to Be a Leader and Not Just a Boss

Interview: Dwight Holcomb.

Dwight Holcomb is a marketing guru who can explore the latest digital video marketing strategies that can excite your audience and help them to reach and surpass their business goals.

Talking Points from Dwight Holcomb
On How to Be an Effective Leader:

During a pandemic, companies need to have true leaders guide their teams.

How a Leaders (Bosses) Should Treat Employees

A leader must set the pace and show employees how to make an impact and how to achieve great results by setting the bar with their own actions. Whenever there are mistakes made by an employee, a leaders should first let the employee know that their job is secure, the world isn’t ending, and that everyone makes mistakes. Then they help them understand how to properly fix the mistake and make sure there is an acceptable solution and process in place to make sure the mistake is avoided in the future. Finally, a leader knows how to get buy-in to make sure that changes and improvements are not just understood, but embraced by the employees.  Otherwise, more errors can be expected.


Differences Between a Boss and a Leader

  • A boss will just dictate directions without considering feedback. A leader must be able to listen.
  • A boss always knows best and disregards advice—all the way until the ship sinks. A leader must seek counsel and find out if someone has a better idea.
  • A boss will dig in their heels and won’t budge, since change is undesirable. A leader must know that there will be a time to change course and will move quickly to make the changes needed and motivate the others to follow with passion.
  • A boss will wait for someone else to require that changes be made and resist those changes. A leader will re-look at ways to do the same thing that has been done for years to determine: can this be done faster, cheaper, with outside help, with offshore help, using technology, by completely re-inventing the process, etc.
  • A boss is discouraged by shortfalls. A leader will see failure as an opportunity to know how not to do something.
  • A boss is quick to assign blame. A leader takes responsibility for all actions that occur under his/her watch.
  • A boss is constantly wondering, “What’s in it for me?” A leader has a servant’s heart. 


Characteristics of a Boss

A boss is strict, rigid, and focused on spreadsheets and details at all times.

Qualities of a Leader

A leader is focused on demonstrating by example, concerned with the needs of the employees first and the customer second, making sure that everyone has everything they need to succeed and then constantly testing and correcting with any and all adjustments, until the desired result is achieved—which includes the satisfaction of the customer while creating happy employees.


Team Leaders Should Be Responsible for:

  •    Making sure the strategy is in place and accepted by the team
  •    Leading by example and encouraging greatness from everyone on the team
  •    Understanding the needs and goals of each employee
  •    Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each employee
  •    Having a road map and a time clock for all plans and goals
      Monitoring success from beginning to end
      Making course adjustments as needed

A good leader is a visionary. The leader needs to know what the market potential is and where the trends are going. A leader also needs to know when to zig when everyone else is zagging. It is not easy to go against the tide, but when they need to, it needs to be done with conviction. If the intuition is wrong, it is not a failure, but a learning lesson. As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” A visionary leader with many failures under their belt . . . is a force to be reckoned with!


Available for Interviews: Dwight Holcomb.

Dwight W. Holcomb is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller The Lean CMO: How Small Marketing Budget Can Produce Big Results, is a Member of the Forbes Business Council and the host of the business television show, “SaaS CEO Success TV.” The show airs on the C-Suite TV Network which has global distribution in over 59 million households and more than 90 million views per month.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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