How to Write That Book You Always Thought About

Available for Interviews:  Trevor Crane,
Publisher, Epic Author Publishing.

Trevor Crane is an entrepreneur, author and speaker dedicated to helping you take your life and your business to the next level. For over a decade, he has worked relentlessly to help people from  around the world turn their passions into books, and be able to actually turn them into a business.

There’s Never Been an Easier Time to Become an Author… and this just might give people the excuse they need to focus on getting that book done (that they always had on the bucket list.)

Here’s what Trevor Crane, Epic Author Publishing, can say on this topic:

    • Gone are the days you need “permission” from a group of people you’ve never met (aka: a traditional publisher) to tell your book is worthy.
    • While there are more authors than ever before, there are more publishers than ever before. 
    • There are more options for independently publishing a book than ever before.
    • Good news! There are more opportunities to monetize your book. This is what I show people how to do.
    • Today, technology makes it easy for anyone to write and publish a book.
      You can dictate your whole book. You can also get someone, inexpensively, to help edit.
    • You’re not alone. The best (and smartest) authors on the planet use a TEAM of people to help them write and publish their books.
    • Virtually EVERY successful author you’ve ever heard of, DID NOT write their own book. (At least not alone.)
    • Behind EVERY successful book you’ve ever heard of, a TEAM of people who helped bring it to life.

Get that bucket list item done.  Trevor can motivate your audience to get this life dream goal done.


Interview:  Trevor Crane.

Trevor Crane is the founder and CEO of Epic Author Publishing. Crane is an entrepreneur, author and speaker dedicated to helping you take your life and your business to the next level. For over a decade, he has worked relentlessly to help people from  around the world turn their passions into books, and be able to actually turn them into a business.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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