The Future is Coming: U.S. Transition to Electric Cars By 2030

Available for Interviews:  R. Daniel Brdar, CEO of Ideal Power

R. Daniel Brdar is the CEO of Ideal Power, an Austin based company innovating in the space of electric storage, renewable energy, and future energy applications… that will change our world with electric cars and other applications.

What R. Daniel Brdar can say in this interview:

Austin / U.S. Transition to Electric Cars By 2030 . . .

Local Austin Renewable Energy Company says the tech is picking up.
Brdar c
an talk about what is to come:

    • It’s happening whether you realize it or not. You are seeing more electric vehicles and more charging stations.
    • The more people buy electric cars, the more the prices will come down.
    • The technology, behind the scenes, is improving at a fast speed. Battery storage, shortening of charging times . . . it’s all getting better and better.  
    • Operating and maintenance costs are a lot lower for electric vehicles. They are very quiet and because they have amazing low-speed torque, they’re really fun to drive. All of that’s exciting.
    • And, we can feel good about helping the planet. Everyone agrees that electricity is actually the easiest sector to decarbonize. We have reasonable and low-cost substitutes to fossil fuels for the charging at home part.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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