3 Essential Money Tips to Teach Your Kids

Available for Interviews: Chris Janeway

Chris Janeway is Founder & CEO Fourth Point Wealth and coaches investors throughout southern CA.  He is also a national speaker, financial coach, and advocate for financial literacy.

What Chris Janeway can say in an interview about
Imparting Financial Education to Our Children:

tip #1 Teach the Value of Money 

Kids are much smarter than we give them credit for. They absorb everything around them, most notably, our own activities and interactions. The absolute key to raising a financially successful future adult is making sure kids understand that money is earned. When they see us swipe the credit card and move on or push a button to get cash at the ATM, they don’t connect with what it took to earn the money in the first place. By placing value around the work we do and encouraging children to do the same, our kids start to think about purchases in terms of work. They become more discerning in their decisions and less prone to waste.

tip #2 Don’t Keep Money a Secret

Talk about it! Let your kids listen in on financial decisions, budgeting talks, retirement planning. They’re MUCH more interested than you may think. The more we expose them to the decisions and discussions they’ll face in the future, the more prepared they’ll be for it. These discussions eliminate the “secrecy” of money and help build trust with the family. Let them ask questions—you’ll be shocked with the wisdom a 6-year-old may have about long-term financial planning!

tip #3 Model Charitable Giving 

Be generous! Showing our children that not all things are equal is an important life lesson. On the off chance that your child isn’t the next Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk, they should be prepared for the fact that some people have more money than them and, more importantly, there are plenty of people in need. Being charitable with our money as a family is one of the great lessons we can teach our kids. Watching mom and dad work incredibly hard to earn it, then turn and be contributors to the community shows our kids how to be intentional with money, be grateful for what we DO have, and work harder to have a meaningful impact at home and all around us.


Interviews: Chris Janeway

Chris Janeway is Founder & CEO Fourth Point Wealth, a wealth management and coaching firm which manages over $100 million, helping families build confidence and grow their wealth.

Chris founded Fourth Point Wealth to fix the broken investor experience. Chris works with individuals and organizations who value collaboration with a financial coach, and he’s developed a process that helps investors identify their goals, pinpoint gaps, and truly understand their wealth. Chris is passionate about client education and believes that, through a clear focus on coaching, investors are more likely to remain confident and committed to their long-term plan and avoid common imprudent decisions that damage our financial future.

When Chris is away from the office, he loves to golf, coach youth sports, and enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife, Katy, and their sons, Brennan and Graham.

Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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