Available for Interviews: Teddi Ann Barry
Teddy Ann Barry, Esq. is a family attorney and writer who has been serving families through divorce and custody and has been practicing family law for over twenty years, and also comes with a wealth of experience in mediation and collaborative law. She is also the author of The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Divorce in Colorado.
What Teddi Ann Barry can say in an interview on
3 Steps to Managing a Divorce:
Divorce would be easier if we played it like baseball.
There is the warm-up, the relationship between the pitcher and catcher along with the hitter and the first base coach, and finally the running of the bases.
Baseball’s a great game! 9 players on the team; 4 bases; one ball, and easy scoring. The players know how to hit the ball, run and catch it. I’m aware of the strategy behind the game, the one we never notice while watching the game, sipping our cold beer, stretched out in the warm sun.
I couldn’t help but think that divorce would be easier if we played it like baseball.
In baseball, players warm up before the big game. That’s what couples need to do; envision themselves playing catch to warm up for a divorce. If couples could all warm up together, it’d be a different game.
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