The US Diet Is Deadly. Here Are 6 Ways We Can Combat This Epidemic

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA, is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion recently released Curiosity is the Best Weight Loss Medicine: Observations from a Bariatric Surgeon. 

What Dr. Hamilton could say on
The American Diet Epidemic:

The standard American diet is disheartening and consists mainly of processed food originally meant to be able to last longer during the Industrial Revolution.

    • Diet-related deaths in the US outrank deaths from smoking.
    • Half of US deaths are from heart disease.
    • Dietary risks were responsible for 11 million deaths over a period of time, according to some studies.

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The US Diet Is Deadly. Here Are 6 Ways We Can Advocate For Change

Available for Interviews: Dr. Franchell Hamilton

Dr. Franchell Hamilton, MD, FACS, FASMBS, FOMA, is the Founder of NeuroSwitch™ Weigh Loss–a place for people to receive treatments ranging from bariatric surgery and medical weight loss to hormone therapy. Dr. Hamiltion recently released, Curiosity is the Best Weight Loss Medicine: Observations from a Bariatric Surgeon. 

What Dr. Hamilton could say on
The American Diet Epidemic:

The standard American diet is disheartening and consists mainly of processed food originally meant to be able to last longer during the Industrial Revolution.

    • Diet-related deaths in the US outrank deaths from smoking.
    • Half of US deaths are from heart disease.
    • Dietary risks were responsible for 11 million deaths over a period of time, according to some studies.

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Breathe Easy: Discover a Natural Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Available for Interviews: Dr. Alice Fong

Alice Fong, ND, is an integrative naturopathic doctor specializing in stress, integrative medicine, diet & weight loss, and is a business growth consultant for holistic healthcare providers.

What Dr. Alice Fong can say in an interview
on How to Lower Your Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure is a medical condition that can increase a person’s risk of some serious, even life-threatening concerns such as heart attacks and strokes. A common cause or contributing factor to hypertension is stress.  When we are stressed, our sympathetic nervous system is activated and the blood in our body is directed to the heart to be able to beat it faster in anticipation of danger.  This mechanism also elevates our blood pressure. 

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Is Stress & Anxiety Slowly Killing You? 

Available for Interviews: Dr. Alice Fong

Alice Fong, ND, is an integrative naturopathic doctor specializing in stress, integrative medicine, diet & weight loss, and is a business growth consultant for holistic healthcare providers.

What Dr. Alice Fong can say in an interview
About Stress & Anxiety’s Impact on the Body:

What happens to your body when you are stressed or anxious? Your sympathetic nervous system gets activated. This is also known as your “Fight or Flight” Response. When a stressor or “threat” is present the amygdala in the brain sends a cascade of signals that end up causing the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol. The purpose is to get a boost of energy to be able to fight or run.

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