Available for Interviews: Ron Karr
Ron Karr is a Leadership and Influence Expert who presents to organizations worldwide and coaches CEO’s and Leadership Teams. He is the creator of the Velocity Mindset® and author of the CEO Bestselling Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way.
Talking Points from Ron Karr on
How COVID-19 Could Be a Game Changer for Politcians:
- For over 20 years, both sides of the aisle would not listen to each other and act in a partisan way. That’s why whenever the Democrats or Republicans became President or took control of the Senate or House, they would immediately undo what the other party did and no wonder why we cannot move the US Forward.
- In his Monday daily LinkedIn Video, Ron Karr claims that it doesn’t take two people to change the conversation or relationship. It only takes one. Think about this: If the action taken creates the wrong reaction in the other person, all you have to do is change the action to get a different reaction. After all, that’s what leaders do. They take the responsibility of making sure the communication is heard properly.
- For Partisanship to work, Leadership Expert who created the Velocity Mindset®, claims if politicians would learn how to Self-Regulate, there would be more bi Partisan efforts moving the country forward.
- You self-regulate simply by being empathetic.
- If you find yourself losing your patience with others, disagreeing with them or they’re saying something that’s triggering an emotion inside of you, simply ask yourself, “I wonder what he or she is dealing with in their lives? Just doing this one step will take your thoughts off of your negative reaction and will put you in their world. Empathy is a great panacea for reducing the amount of tension in a room and getting people to work together. After all, isn’t that what we all want in return, for someone to be empathetic to how we are feeling and understand what we are going through?
- Just like social distancing is something we can control to help stop the spread of COVID-19, self-regulation is something we can use to control and create calm and peace in most relationships, and create an environment that supports team efforts. The best way to accomplish this is to lead with empathy.
- If Congress and the President want everyone to social distance, what can they do and learn from the Covid-19 crisis to help move this country forward—and not just in times of crisis but in all other times?
Proposed Media Questions
- What do you feel each side is guilty of that prevents cooperation across the political aisles?
- You talk about how each leader can improve most relationships and/or conversations even if the other side is not interested. How do you do this?
- You say the critical skills of Self-Regulation is key for working together. What is self-regulation?
- What is the key to self-regulation?
Interview: Ron Karr
Ron Karr is a Speaker, Strategist, and author of Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way. For 36+ years, Ron Karr has excelled at sales and leadership positions, for which he is recognized as the leading “Sales Success Expert” and has appeared as a guest on national TV including FOX , Bloomberg, C-Suite Newtork and others. Once President of the National Speakers Association, he is an in-demand Global Keynote Speaker. He is the owner of Karr Associates, Inc. in Westwood, NJ.
Karr Associates, Inc.
372 Kinderkamack Rd.
Westwood, NJ 07675
201.666.7599 (main)
201.914.3895 (cell)
Email: ron@ronkarr.com
Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.
Ron Karr Social Media Handles:
Blog: http://ronkarr.com/blog
Website: http://ronkarr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ronkarr
Linked-In: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ronkarr
YouTube: http://youtube.com/ronkarr1
Preview YouTube video Velocity Mindset TM – You Need The Right Attitude To Have Velocity | Ron Karr