Employees Want More Employer-Paid Benefits

Available for Interviews:  Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is Certified Expense Reduction Consultant advising businesses on keeping more of the money they make. He is also the author of Expense to Profit: Eliminate The Costs That Sabotage Your Growth.

What Marc Freedman can say in an interview on Employee Benefits:

      • About half of US employees want more employer help for retirement savings, better work-life balance, and better benefits as a whole
      • Retirement security is important to workers of all ages, expectedly prioritized by generation

      • Most workers would like better, more centralized resources to weigh their options and how to get the most out of their benefits
      • Many workers are willing to forfeit or reduce other benefits in return for the preferred level of others. Greater flexibility is what they look for
      • There are cost reduction methods employers can use to offer more and better benefits, without having to take on significant financial burdens


Interview: Marc Freedman

Marc Freedman is a Certified Expense Reduction Consultant and Founder and CEO of Expense to Profit and currently serves as the Chief Cost Evaluator of Expense to Profit, expertly advising his client management team on how to help people to successfully achieve business and financial growth goals. He utilizes 40 years of experience by efficiently implementing his comprehensive solutions to control client costs and focus on individual successes. Freedman recently released his book, Expense to Profit: Eliminate the Costs that Sabotage Your Growth.


Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.

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