Managing COVID-19 Anxiety—Again

Available for Interviews: Dr. Colleen Cira:

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.


Talking Points from Dr. Cira
On Managing COVID-19 Anxiety:

Eight months into the pandemic and numbers of the Coronavirus spiking once again around the country, we may find our apprehensiveness climbing again. Here are a few things that people can do to better manage their anxiety.

1) Control what you actually
have control over

  • Follow CDC guidelines, wear masks, wash your hands, work from home if you can, make financial plans, childcare plans, quarantine plans, etc.  If we focus on what we DO have control over, we can channel our worry into something more productive. Continue reading “Managing COVID-19 Anxiety—Again”