Available for Interviews: Ron Karr
Ron Karr is a Leadership and Influence Expert who presents to organizations worldwide and coaches CEO’s and Leadership Teams. He is the creator of the Velocity Mindset® and author of the CEO Bestselling Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way.
Pitch Topic: America in Crisis – This is Our Go Time
What Ron Karr Can Say In an Interview:
-It may not feel like it today, but in times like these, America rises up to the challenge and is better afterwards. We can do this.
-This is a time to call clients, customers, those we serve, in a spirit of help vs. selling
-The cortisol, stress hormone is at a high. We need to focus on others and their needs.
-Create an environment where people feel safe to talk
-To influence others in a crisis, call with an authentic spirit of help. See how they are doing, weathering the storm, ask what they are dealing with.
-Engage others, find ways to work together. This not only solves business problems, but life problems. We are separated but not apart.
-Empathy must be genuine. If we tap into empathy, we can all help each other get past this… faster.
Ron can expand this segment in a direction
you want to go for your outlet.
Jo Allison
Managing Editor
Director of Public Relations
Success In Media, Inc.
Ron Karr Social Media Handles:
Blog: http://ronkarr.com/blog
Website: http://ronkarr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ronkarr
Linked-In: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ronkarr
YouTube: http://youtube.com/ronkarr1
Preview YouTube video Velocity Mindset TM – You Need The Right Attitude To Have Velocity | Ron Karr