Getting Rid of Debt May Actually Make Your Brain Work Better

Interview:  Michael Taggart

Talking Points:

  • Researchers at the National University of Singapore’s Social Service Research Centre studied 200 low-income people who unexpectedly had portions of their debt paid down by a charity.


  • They found that cognitive function improved by 76%, anxiety reduced by 28% and impulse control improved by 25%.
  • We see it all the time. The people who felt powerless at one point, all of a sudden feel powerful when they finally have a plan to get rid of their debt.
  • It’s not just something that’s good for the math of your wallet. It’s actually great for your health. Paying down debt and getting to a better place financially reduces stress and anxiety and improves the quality of your relationships.


  • Following the 4-step C.A.R.E. method gives people the tools and plan to break free of the stress and anxiety of debt and get on the road to a debt free future.


Available for Interviews: Michael Taggart

Michael Taggart is the co-founder of, author of “Goodbye Debt, Hello Future,” and has been helping people get relief from debt and avoid bankruptcy for over a decade. In 2018 alone, he helped 321,611 people with plans for how to overcome $10,008,814,180.00 in debt. He is a devoted husband and father that is passionate about helping people and families create a better financial future for themselves.

Jo Allison
PR Managing Editor
Success In Media, Inc.


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