3 Red Flags: How Technology & Social Media Can Fuel Anxiety in Us

Available for Interviews: Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D.

Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, and has worked with hundreds of people struggling with mental health issues.

Talking Points From Dr. Colleen Cira
On Technology & Social Media’s Negative Impact:

We live in a scary world and the 24/7 access to all of the scariness due to the technology era and social media is too much for anyone to handle. Most of us struggle to watch or read about real-life atrocities and may have some mild anxiety symptoms as a result. We may avoid the content entirely, experience intrusive and/or ruminating thoughts about the disaster, feel inclined to research it more, or talk about it excessively. When we witness or read about something incredibly disturbing, these are all commonplace and should fade in a matter of days.

How do we know when there’s an issue?  Here are 3 red flags to consider:

Continue reading “3 Red Flags: How Technology & Social Media Can Fuel Anxiety in Us”

PTSD Symptoms in Women: Unnoticed and Undiagnosed

Interview Colleen Cira

Dr. Colleen Cira is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Women and Trauma, so she has worked with hundreds of people struggling with PTSD or Complex PTSD. Here are a few talking points on the subject of PTSD:

Why is it harder for women to admit they have the disorder?

  • If I may, I’d like to rewind back for a second because a lot of women simply don’t know they have PTSD!  Women often internalize—it means instead of searching for answers in their world or circumstance, they assume that something is wrong with THEM.  So they might not attribute their own thoughts, feelings or behaviors to something that happened to them because they just figure this is who they are. Continue reading “PTSD Symptoms in Women: Unnoticed and Undiagnosed”